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You every want that feeling where everything is right. That you feel like you are safe and home. That smile never leaves your face. You feel a heart full of life. That you are where you are meant to be in life.

What does it feel like? How did you get there? Is all what you thought it would be? Never let go of that feeling you feel. Keep pushing it to come to life. Live in that moment as long as you can.

For it does not last for everyone or even at all for some that wish for it to come. Some don't know the secret of it. That it starts with your mind and your attitude. It does not come from someone or something. It starts with self loose yes that is a thing.

I had a dream a plan for me. It never happened to me. I thought thinking what is wrong with me. Why am I not enough to be seen? Them I started hating life and never wanting to see the next day of light.

Falling down the rabbit hole of sadness in everything I do. Watching the world go on with lovers all around me happy and free to enjoy everything. I closed off the world with so much hate. Wanting to end my life of shame.

Finding myself along the way not giving up on myself and this life I was given. I had a reason a Purpose for this life I was given. It's me that holds the key to my will. I had to learn to believe in myself.

To stand tall and be the best you truly can be. Give what you want to feel back. It's the energy you give others they give you back. Be passionate with others that are used to rude, mean people. They have little faith in people's words.

Be the light you saw in other wanting it and feeling it for your own. You can and I will tell you how. It's starts with loving yourself. Funny you think, but it's true. How many times have you given your heart and love and desire, wanting it back in return?

Sometimes you have a tough eye opening moments you were not anything at all. That's okay, they just showed you the colors of their snake skin. You are much more than the way they treat you. Take your hand, place it in your heart and say I love you and mean every word.

No one will ever love you the way you do. So happens and love comes from you first before anyone. You are the key to your own happiness that and other I. Your life are just a bounce to treasure. You got this now smile and let the light in you fill you with warmth and everything right in your life for you.

Let love be the one thing no one can take from you. You will win on the end and have what is meant for you to be for you. Love yourself with all your might.

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