Chapter 17

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As if Merione connect to her, their eyes meet each other.

Let's do this

Now or never

They communicate inside their mind without talking out loud.

Lin let the dagger fall to the ground as she stand to her feet facing her brother. She let her feet walk by themselves near him. The man is getting confused with her silent behaviour and pull back fast. Lin is still one of the strongest mage compared to him so even if he have the upper hand, he could never fight against her sole power.

In midst of him falling out of focus, Merione pull his hand that is grasping her throat and snatch it apart along with her burning neck skin. She fall to the ground as blood gushing out of her throat from the deep wound. Her body tumble down from excessive pain.

Chakan take a few step back looking at his bloody red hand. He huff out loud before disappearing so suddenly out of fear not able to fight them two by his himself. The head mage probably on his way to get the other officials mage involved in this.

Merione take a few short breath from pain and forcefully pull out a magical string from the inner of her heart. She let the string loose from her hand connecting with Lin's reaching finger.

Her magic power passed down to Lin in that short time as her eyes begin to dim. She take a final breath of relief once everything is coming to an end from her side. Merione finally frail let her body fall to the ground lifeless.

Lin hold Merione's power in her hand nearly bursting to tears. She lost another dear subordinate and a long time friend of hers. She remember the promise they made when they were just a young teen back then. How their pinky twist and connected as they chanted out their vow of always being together for a lifetime. Lin sob a little as her memory comes to the surface from the suffering she's in.

Wait for me, Merione

In the other hand, Nunew let his eyes wander to the livid dagger on the ground not far from where he is crouch down. As if it being summoned, the rusty object float in the air and goes to the younger's direction. The dagger fall to his open hand and Nunew felt darkness take over him in a split of second the object touch his palm.

Finally found you

His eyes shine a bright blue before it dies down. Nunew fall to his knees, dagger tight on his clutch. His body become rigid as he tremble around whilst bend on his knees from the impact.

As if moving in command, Nunew let both of his hand holding the rusty object towards his chest, thrusting into where his heart are currently beating. The red blood of his gush out as his wound tear apart once he pull the dagger out of him. Slowly his body fall limp and float to the air from the magical force inside of the unconscious male.

Lin run to his aid but got blown away by the sudden surge of powers the younger let out. Everything turn into chaos around them as the entire fields blow up from his magical power alone, strong wind circling his body.

The floating younger wake up with both his eyes sparkling emerald blue . He look down sensing Lin try to drag her feet near him. The silver string on her arm catch his interest as he hold out his hand towards it and the string naturally goes to him under his control.

"Child, take control over yourself " Lin try to warn him in this dangerous moments. She is scared Nunew couldn't come to his sense getting insane by his own sole power.

"What is happening" Zee block the dust from getting to him. The wind keep blowing in circles around them nonstop . This is not something he's seen before in his entire life. This is different, almost feels like the younger is getting possessed by something dark and dangerous. The aura is too strong and Zee knew that even the strongest mage wouldn't able to go against the berserk younger.

Nunew let his feet touch the ground with a poof. Air come to a clearing and let his feet walk on their on straight to somewhere in the corner of the field. Zee begin to panic as the younger struts directly pass him to where Risha and Geena is currently hiding.

"Risha" Zee call out his child name to see the mad male walking so fast near the two figure.

"Pruk you have to stop him, this is not the Nunew you've know. He's out of control" Lin alert the panic male.

Zee run to block the younger from advancing more on his step but he got blown away with just one swat from the younger's hand.

"Don't you dare touch him, Nunew!" Zee scream on top of his lung in panic. His blood run cold as he see Nunew is getting nearer with each of his large step.

The younger make a sudden stop after hearing the commanding tone from Zee but it didn't do much on him. Zee's power doesn't sway him at all in this moments. He continued his walk ignoring the male who's always on his way blocking every step.

The younger male pull the electrifying string and swing it to the two figure tying them in a deadly lock but not killing nor harming them in any way.

Geena hold the child up close in her embrace and use her body to protect him from touching the magic string. The pale child sway in her warmth.

"You can take my life but not him. He is not a threat to you" Geena beg Nunew. The male's eyes twitch as he hear her words.

He walk near them but Zee hold him on his ankles to stop the younger. The father of that child is fully laying on the dirty grounds hugging Nunew's right ankle.

"Don't do this, Nunew. Please spare my child's life"

The other male let his tears stream down his face in an ugly sobs. He is terrified of what Nunew will do to them especially Risha. The younger is unpredictable with his every wild move. Zee couldn't figure him out.

The light on the silver string crackles whilst Nunew get more rampant with his mood. He pull his left feet up and kick Zee directly on his face. Blood coming out of his mouth and nose from the intensity but Zee is determined to halt him even if his life is at the very stake.

"I rather you kill me, Nunew!" Zee let his power surge to his palm and pull the younger down by his feet. The enraged the younger are, the more advantage Zee get to sway his focus away from Risha.

"Yes look at me!" Zee pointed at himself once Nunew's attention turn to him. He can feel the chill run down his spine by staring at the younger male furious eyes that could ignite fire in it.

"You dare to stop me!" Nunew voice is like a strange mix of hoarse and dreadful. Hell he sound exactly like a deranged devil. His voice keep on changing its octave time to time as if fighting against themselves inside his frail body.

He let his finger choked Zee and pull him up in the air. He let go once Zee's face are turning red on his relentless grip. "I'll spare you"

Nunew turn away and take a long stride towards the two neglected figures. He flick his finger realising the strings away from circling the female witch.

"Give him to me" His commanding tone effect Geena's clear mind and she follow along under his control.

"I'll end your agony, little one"

a/n: I am sorry please forgive me. This is not the end I promise as there is maybe 3 more chapters to comes but it's gonna take me a bit more time to write. Thank you for waiting and I apologise for making you wait. Feel free to comment your opinion on this chapter ✌🏼

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