Chapter 2

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The ringing of an empty can hitting the floor wake him up from his daydream. Looking up, he see James apologise sheepishly as he missed to target inside the trash bin.

"What take you so long Nunew? Come on in,Mark would get on your nerves again if you lazed around."

"Yeah I'll be there in a sec." He reply

Walking into the back of the kitchen,Nunew slowly walk through some of his coworkers not to catch Mark attention. The said man been nagging all morning probably on his period.

As he get to the dining area, he rush to help James with collecting dirty plates and wiping the table clean. A stranger walk past him but Nunew suddenly feels like he have seen the man before somewhere.

Turning his head as he follow the back of the stranger with his eyes,Nunew get startled when the said man face his direction and lock their eyes together. The man only stare at him.

Nunew fast to act like he's not there and continue with his job.

"pssstt Nunew, go get the order from the new customer." James said in a whisper

"No.You go....I'm busy here can't you see?" Nunew say hand on the table cloth swiping left and right.

"Do as I say . I'm not in the mood to display a fake smile right now." James give him an eye roll

"Bitch " Nunew throw the dirty cloth to his chest.Annoyed by James attitude

Taking each heavy step,Nunew display his eye smile as he greet the stranger who's on his phone scrolling away.

"Welcome to Rest&Dine,would you like to order Sir?" he hold out the Menu in front of the man to see.

"A cup of black coffee,less sugar please. Ahh and get me two mini croissants as well." The person turn his attention back to the screen of his gadget once he finish scanning the menus.

"Would you want anything else?" Nunew stand still

That's all" the person hold his palm up intentionally ask Nunew to fucking leave him alone in a kind way.

"Great I would be back in a minute with your order." Nunew grit his teeth trying not to curse.What a rude man.

Delivering the food and drinks to the man.Nunew quickly excuse himself and greet another new customer. Before he could take step ahead , the man suddenly catch his wrist in a hold.

The sudden spark send Nunew to a full body shudder. In surprise, he pull away quickly without looking at the said person.

What is happening just now. He can't describe how the touch do to his body but the truth is this is the first time Nunew experience this. Maybe that's only his thoughts playing tricks on him. Nunew shake his head to get out of stupor.

"Nothing wrong,I'm just tired that's it."

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