33. if they return, it was meant to be (epilogue)

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3 years later...

I held my breathe as I stared at the pregnancy test. Brian stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist in a protective manner.

"Do you think I really am pregnant?" I asked.

"From how active we are, I am surprised you haven't gotten pregnant these past few years," Brian joked and I gently jabbed him. "Relax, my love. No matter what it says, we face it together."

I tried to let his words ease my nerves. These past three years I have been very careful in taking the pill on time. My last pregnancy really left a deep scar and I did not want to relive that pain all over again. Although, I knew it wasn't my fault I miscarried, I was still scared.

I leaned into Brian's chest and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, squeezing me lightly to comfort me. The loud alarm made us jump back. I immediately covered my eyes not wanting to see the results.

"You want me to tell your or you want to see for yourself?" Brian asked calmly.

I parted my hands from my face and peeked down at the pregnancy test. There were two distinctive red lines marking the white background. I could not believe it.

"I-I am pregnant," I whispered. I picked up the pregnancy test to make sure I was seeing correctly.

"So, are we excited or—" Brian said cautiously. I leaned onto the counter trying to process the news.

"We are going to have a baby," my lips broke into smile as the tears of joy swelled up in my eyes. I was scared, but somehow I also had jolts of excitement.

Brian nodded as he too started to break into tears. He pulled me into his arms and began kissing my face.

"We are going to have a beautiful baby, my love," he cried out. We both hugged each other tightly as we basked into the joy of the news.


"Mr and Mrs Knight!" The nurse called out. Brian and I walked excitedly toward her as she led us to our designated room. "The doctor will be with you shortly. Mrs Knight, just change into this gown for me."

"Are you nervous?" Brian asked as he helped me change into the light blue hospital gown. He kissed my five-month pregnant belly before he helped me get on the hospital bed.

"A little," I hummed as I rubbed my bump. "But if I am being honest, I do not mind the gender of our babies. As long as they are both healthy and strong."

"Good morning, how's my favorite patient," Dr Cruz greeted as she stepped into the room with a clipboard. "I see you are here to find out the gender of your little ones."

"My husband insisted on knowing," I said as I turned to Brian with a teasing smile.

"Well, let's get started then shall we?" Dr Cruz sat on the stool beside us and lifted my gown. I shivered as she rubbed the cold gel onto my belly and pressed the wand on my stomach.

Brian and I turned to the tv displaying the ultrasound. Our two babies were cuddled together and I could feel the tears swell up.

"By the looks of it, you two are expecting two beautiful princess," Dr Cruz said as she examined the image. She clicked away on the computer and the loud beating of two hearts could be heard.

I clasped my hand over my mouth as Brian and I listened to the two heartbeats closely and looked at our two girls on the screen.


"Cazzo di inferno! Questa fa così male (Fucking hell! This shit hurts so bad)!" I yelled through gritted teeth as another contraction hit.

"You're doing good, my love," Brian assured as he pushed back my sweaty hair.

"No shit Sherlock! I know I am! Merde (Fuck)!" I let out a loud shriek as another contraction hit. I could not believe my daughters were already making me curse in all three languages.

"Alright, Sam. I need you to push real hard for me when another contraction hits, okay?" Dr Cruz said and I did as told. I felt a sharp agony swallow me whole as I pushed as I hard as I could.

I could feel my strength giving up on me, but I knew I had to keep fighting for my two girls. I mustered all the energy I could and pushed once more. The loud cries from my baby echoed through the room.

"One girl down, one more to go. Push Sam!"

I watched as they took my first daughter to the table nearby and cleaned her off. Brian looked down at me with a grateful look in his eyes. I felt another contraction hit and pushed with all my might. It was not long after I heard the second cry.

"You have two healthy baby girls," Dr Cruz said as she held up my other baby.

After cutting the umbilical cord for my second daughter, they also took her away and cleaned her up.

"Thank you for being so brave, my love." Brian said as he kissed my hand. "You gave me the greatest gift I could ask for."

"Alright, momma. Would you like to meet your two princesses?" The nurse asked and I nodded.

They gently laid both of my babies on my chest. Brian looked down at us with glassy eyes. He gently placed a kiss on both of our girls.

"They're perfect," he said.

"We finally have our little family," I replied. "Our little angel sent us two beautiful girls."

Brian nodded as he stared enamored at our daughters who were already sound asleep on my chest. I looked up at Brian and smiled. My forbidden flame had turned into my forever love and I would not have it any other way.

Author's Note Well

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Author's Note
Well...that's all folks! The third book of the Forbidden Series is completed and it marks the end of Samantha and Brian's journey. But fear not, some of the characters in this book will be back in Dante. I released the prologue for Dante already so feel free to check that out and the first official chapter will be released December 1st. Finally the much awaited book is coming. This story will follow the love journey between Stephanie and Dante while they fight new villains. There will also be appearances from characters from the Love Series (Loveless Marriage, Loving You and Rules of Loving) and this series. I hope to see you guys join me on this new adventure. Thank you all so much for those who read this book and all the support you gave it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For now, I bid you farewell and I'll see you soon. Adios!
Xoxo, Liz

Song: For My Hand - Burna Boy ft. Ed Sheeran
(Song was recommende by the amazing Her_Royal_Cuteness )

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