08. meet my sister

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A loud pounding in my head caused me to groan as I opened up my eyes and adjusted them to the light. I looked around the room and knew that this was not my room. I tried to get out of the bed, but winced as a sudden sharp sting travelled up the side of my stomach.

       "Fuck," I mumbled as I looked down to see that my shirt was missing and a large white bandage was taped down to the left side of my stomach.

       I could hear two distinct voices drawing near. They were muffled by the closed door but one of them sounded oddly familiar.

       "He was lucky that I was in the neighborhood," a blonde girl said as she stepped into the room. Her head looked over her shoulder as she talked to whoever was behind her.

       "Why exactly where you in the neighbor, sorellina (little sister)?" I froze as Samantha stepped into the room. Her blue eyes shifted from the blonde girl to me.

       "Oh, he's up!" The blonde chirped as she walked over to me. I looked between her and Samantha who was still frozen near the door. They looked different but they had the same blue eyes.

       "Where am I?" I asked.

       "You're in my daddy's penthouse," the blonde girl answered. "Hi, I am Andrea. Andrea Moretti."

       "Moretti?" I scrunched my eyebrows together and turned to Samantha for clarification.

       "Brian, meet my sister," Samantha said as she closed the door behind her. The blonde girl, Andrea, waved at me with a warm smile.

       "You're welcome for saving you last night," Andrea said and it all came back. The woman who saved me, the bandits who almost killed me and...the kiss with Eloise. I mentally face-palmed myself.

       "Thank you," I said as I offered Andra a grateful smile.

       "See, at least he didn't get mad at me," Andrea turned to her sister with a sassy expression.

       "Guarda piccolo monello, vai ad aspettare fuori (Look you little brat, go wait outside). Parliamo dopo (I will talk with you later)," Samantha said through gritted teeth and I sat there dumbfounded by what she just said. I could not help but think how hot she looked, especially when speaking Italian.

       "Sei cattivo (You are mean)," Andrea replied back as she trudged out of the room with a sulky pout.

Samantha closed the door again before walking toward me. "I am sorry about my sister," she apologized.

"It's alright," I murmured.

Samantha adjusted the pillows behind me and helped me sit up. I winced as the pain resurfaced and she looked down at my wound concerned.

"Those assholes are lucky that Andrea let them live," Samantha's eyes clouded with anger as her lips set into scowl. I found her little expression cute. Everything about her was cute.

She's not yours, my mind reminded again.

"Does your husband know you're here?" I asked in a cold manner trying my best to mask the emotions she was setting free. Here simple presence made long buried feelings resurface.

"Fiancé," Samantha corrected as she took a seat on the sofa near the bed. "And no, he doesn't know."

"Keeping secrets from him too, huh?" I sassed and Samantha looked away to avoid my cold glare. I did not know what overcame me. All the anger I had bottled up began to fizzle up.

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