03. see you again

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I tapped my bearded chin as I examined the photo. I dragged the tiny arrow across the screen and clicked on the company's logo. I placed it on the bottom of the photograph and pressed save once I was satisfied with the final product.

       "Good morning!"

       I turned to the voice with a small grin. Eloise walked in with her usual bright smile. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail.

       "Shouldn't you be at work?" I raised a brow. Eloise walked over and placed a bag full of food down on my desk.

       "Something told me that you didn't bring anything to eat—as always—so I brought you a little something," Eloise replied. "Plus, it's my lunch break and I thought we could eat together."

       I offered the redhead a thankful smile as I took out the plastic containers. I held back the urge to scrunch my nose as I noticed there was shrimp with rice inside the container.

       "Thank you," I said through a strained smile. I did not want to hurt Eloise's feelings by telling her I hated shrimp. So instead, I force a smile as I chewed on the salty, rubbery sea food.

       "Do you like it?"

       "Mhmm," I nodded forcing myself to swallow the chewed food.

       "I cooked it myself," Eloise chirped proudly.

       I opened up my water bottle feeling the food resurface and took a big gulp to push the food down. Not many people knew about my hatred for seafood, well except Samantha.


       I shook the name out of my head. I had to forget about her, after all it had been five months. She was probably happily married already and living her grand life in London. I would never see her again so I had to erase her from my mind.

       "I see that your job is going good," Eloise said as she let her eyes wonder around my upgraded office.

       Despite everything, I had decided to continue working with L. A. Modelling Management. The pay was good and if the managers noticed you were doing a good job they would not hesitate in promoting you.

       "Yeah," I replied with a deep sigh. "I was able to get a new car and finish paying off my penthouse."

       Eloise let out a low whistle. "I think I'm going to ask you to get me a job here after college."

       "I will try," I replied with an added wink. Eloise giggled and I could see her cheeks turning a light shade of red as she avoided my gaze shyly.

       Gosh, why couldn't I have fallen for her instead? Everything would have been so much more simple and I wouldn't have gotten my heart broken a second time.

A light knock on the door distracted me from my deep thoughts. The fog-glass door opened and my co-worker Adam peeked his head inside.

"Hey El," he greeted Eloise with a small wave. Eloise smiled and waved back. Most of the people on my floor new Eloise well, due to the high frequency she visited me with. "Brian, everyone is gathering downstairs at the main lobby."

I furrowed my brows at him. "Why?"

"The big boss is here," Adam said with a frightened glint in his eyes.

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