19. confrontations

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"I thought we were supposed to persuade them, not kill them," Vincenzo grumbled as he helped me push the body into the body of water below us.

I wiped the blood that was on my cheek with my handkerchief and then cleaned my hands with it. Vincenzo did the same, grimacing at the amount of blood on him. Myung was seated inside the car busy typing away on his phone.

"You alerted his family?" I asked and Myung nodded.

"I texted his heir," Myung's voice was muffled by the lollipop in his mouth. "Either he sends us some men or money, or he will be next one floating in a river beside his father."

Vincenzo let out a groan as he leaned onto the black car. He pulled out a packet of cigarettes and lit one up. I silently extended my hand toward him. He looked at me confused.

"You want one?" He asked with a raised brow.

"No-o-o-o, I want a high five. Obviously, I want one you dipshit," I sassed.

Vincenzo handed me one of his cigarettes and pulled out a lighter to turn them on. We both let out large puffs of smoke that disappeared into the night sky.

"What did Samantha do to get you in such an annoying mood?" Vincenzo asked before taking another inhale of his cigarette.

"She kissed Brian," I said as I exhaled another puff of smoke.

"SHE KISSED BRIAN?" Vincenzo asked at the same time as Myung asked, "Who the hell is Brian?"

"Her ex, and technically she didn't kiss him. She was about to, but I arrived in time," I said answering both their questions.

"Was she drunk?" Vincenzo raised a brow.

       "Yeah," I sighed. "I honestly don't know what to do. I am scared I am going to lose her."

       "If someone was trying to take Alessandra from me, I would've had them killed in an instant," Vincenzo replied nonchalantly.

       "So you're saying I should kill Brian?" I asked.

       Vincenzo nodded firmly. "You are a mafia lord and he is a mediocre photographer. It'll be easy to get away with his murder and Samantha will not suspect a thing."

       "That could be the only option," I said rubbing my chin thoughtfully.

       "I am surrounded by idiots," Myung rolled his eyes.

       "What would you have him do then?" Vincenzo asked as he raised a brow.

       Myung turned to me with a serious expression.

       "Just let her go," he said and I immediately shook my head while Vincenzo face-palmed himself. "Listen. You can try to divide them as much as you want, but destiny has a funny way of putting people with who they are meant to be."

       "Don't listen to this stolto (fool)," Vincenzo said as he dismissed Myung's words. "You go and show Brian who is boss. Threaten him if you must and let him know you will not let your property be taken."

       I allowed for Vincenzo's words to sink and began to nod in agreement. I tried being the nice guy, but it was clear that Brian was not going to listen, so I had to make him listen.

       "Take me to that puttano (asshole)," I ordered as I threw my cigarette to the floor and put it out. Vincenzo copied me and we both jumped into the car.

       I was going to make sure Brian stayed away from Samantha once and for all.


I hesitantly knocked on the apartment door. Myung had quickly retrieved Brian's current address and apartment number. I was surprised that the bastardo (bastard) was living in a nice penthouse.

"Mr Villanueva," Brian looked surprised to see me standing on the other side of the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you to stay away from my fiancé," I said in a low, menacing tone. It was the same tone I used with all of my enemies.

Brian did not seemed scared though. He looked amused more than anything. He opened the door wider and crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned on the doorframe.

"Did Sam send you?" He asked.

"You should address her as Mrs Villanueva from now on," I said coldly.

Brian lifted a brow. "As far as I know, you two are not married yet and might never be."

I grabbed onto Brian's collar and brought his face close to mine. My jaw was clenched tightly as I glared into his eyes, but he still did not seem fazed.

"Trust me pretty boy, you do not want to mess with me," I warned. "You do not know who I am."

"I know that you are the monster that kidnapped my girlfriend," Brian replied and my eyes widened. "She left me a letter before you took her. I don't know what you have over her, but I will not stop fighting for her until she herself tells me she does not love me anymore."

"You are right. I am a monster and I am giving you this last warning, stay away from her before I kill you," I responded. "She is my wife and she belongs to me."

"She is not some sort of property you can just claim," Brian snapped as he removed my hands from his shirt. "Let Samantha decide for herself what she wants. If it is you she chooses, I will gladly go my way because unlike you I would rather put her happiness over my own."

"You little—"

"Good night Mr Villanueva," Brian said before shutting the door in my face.

"Fucking bastard!"

Author's Note Things are getting heated! So much drama, drama, drama

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Author's Note
Things are getting heated! So much drama, drama, drama. What do you guys think will happen? Will Dante really follow Vincenzo's advice and kill off Brian? Will Brian really leave Sam? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. The masquerade ball will finally take place in the next chapter. Not only will we have the love triangle tension, but also some mafia action. Thank you all so much for reading. I will see you guys on Friday with the next chapter! Adios my lovelies!
Xoxo, Liz

Song: Odio - Romeo Santos


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