For the people who have everything

254 17 12

|I would love all your scars with all my stars| 


"Hey, Chaeyoung" 

Chaeyoung Park looks up from her phone only to see Lisa Manoban smiling the same way she does when she needs something, "What do you want?" 

"Can't a girl just visit her best friend and not ask for anything" 

"A girl can - you don't, So - what's up?" 

"Rude" Lisa says before plopping on the sofa, "First of all, You're gonna hate this" 

"Then don't say it" 

"I need a date to Jennie Kim's art gallery opening" 

Chaeyoung sits straight and looks at her best friend in the eye, "You want me to be your date in my fake girlfriend's cousin's art gallery opening?" 

Lisa pretends to go over what Chaeyoung said before nodding, "Pretty much, yes" 


"What?! Come on! I'm your best friend!" 

"So is Jisoo! and before you pull the best friend card more - yes, I did know her first before you" 

 "Please - Chaeyoung-ah, come on! please" 

"Wow, two please' in one sentence"

"It's because I'm desperate"

"Oh, are you now?" Chaeyoung teased 

"Yes, I'm appealing to your human side - please be my date" 

"Lisa, if you want Jennie Kim jealous - walking in with her cousin's fake girlfriend is not the way to do it" Chaeyoung exhales, "It is a good way to lose investors in your start up company - the Kim's have quite the hold" 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear you what I don't hear is 'Yes, Lisa I will be your date' so...?" 

It took 2 minutes more and a 3 weeks of supply of food before Chaeyoung breaks down and finally agreed, "Everyone knows you're my best friend so it won't be a big deal right? And we used to be each other's date a lot" 

"Exactly!" Lisa agrees 

Something don't feel right about this but that worry was masked by the promise of a prime rib cut as lunch


Camera flash everywhere - the silent noise of paparazzi's and every bit of people who wants to see Jennie Kim's latest project. You can't expect anything less. 

Jisoo Kim walked in right before her cousin - she was the talk of the town for a while now and Jennie hoped her cousin being there would attract a lot of people and it sure did. 

"I know you're not really exclusive but you being here is really attracting a hell lot of girls and boys" Jennie says to her cousin as they drink expensive champagne with their elite friends 

"If you have a face like this - you can surely pull two genders" Jisoo brags 

Their chat continued until Sehun Oh, coughed his drink creating a small commotion 

Jisoo was about to laugh but all eyes were trained at the entrance, where Lisa Manoban and Chaeyoung Park are entering hand in hand 

"Definitely not exclusive" Jennie smirks into her drink, "Well played, Lisa Manoban" 

Jisoo can feel every vein in her body trying to combust in a feeling she can't quite place, the demons in her head from past trauma's started acting up. "A little too playful don't you think?" Irene Bae says noticing her friends' changed behavior 

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