Chapter 15 : Happily Ever After

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AN : This ending is for those who picked Chapter 14 : Escape 


The tightness of the rope only irritated your skin more and more as you tried to struggle out of it. Almoust as if taunting you and the current predicament you found yourself in. 

In fact it was almoust comical, you were captured by a set of twins, who happen to be your step siblings, who happen to be obsessed with you to the point they are willing to murder innocent people. Why do they do that? It's simple, because in their little insane world anybody who even dares to glance at you let alone try to form any connection is as good as a wanted criminal, a criminal whose sins can only be forgiven through death. Not just any death, only the most inhumane torture imaginable can satisfy the gods known as Rika, Rina, Alfred and Sebastian. 

"What is taking them so long?!" you though. It's been hours if not eons since they tied you up and left you alone in one of the many guest rooms of the mansion. It was "kind" of them to tie you up to a comfortable chair but that didn't make you feel any better. 

The whole house has felt quiet, too quiet. You expected to hear a struggle , screams of pain, hysteric laughter, all the sounds you'd imagine to hear during a battle. However, there was nothing, the outside sounds from the window were barely audible as well. 

At this point in time you've given up looking for a way out. I mean it's not like you can even move this damn chair, without outside help there was not a single way out of this. All you could do was wait and pray to any God or higher being for a miracle, an unknown exit. 

Well, whoever you were praying to decided to bless you today, you finally heard a sound. It sounded like an object kept falling over and over again, mimicking a sound of... a ball? No, shoes hitting the hard wooden floor ,logically, somebody has to be running towards this very room.

"Is someone here ?! Please let me out!" you let out a scream as loud as you can. Whoever this stranger was it didn't matter, at the very least you won't be alone in a dark room anymore.

Suddenly the sound stopped, for a mere moment everything returned to silence only to be broken by the long and high squeak of the door.  It didn't take long to make out the mysterious stranger in the dark as they rushed right into the room as if their own life dependent on it. It was Alfred, one of the twins, he was panting heavily, his face flushed and his arms...burned?!

"A-Alfred,what happened?!"

"(Y/N) we need to go! Now!" he said in a panicked voice while untying you as fast as he could.

"What?Where? Where are the others?What happened to your hands?! I'm not going anywhere with you!" you tried kicking Alfred away from you as he loosened the ropes around your arms but he didn't budge. In fact it looked like he didn't care if you were to stab him at this moment, it wouldn't stop him from untying you and trying to get you to go somewhere.  

"I said let go! I'm not going any-"

"IT'S NOT SAFE! SHUT UP AND JUST FOLLOW ME!" his voice sounded angry and fearful. Something you were not used to hearing from Alfred, especially directed towards you. 

You ran out of the room with Alfred holding your hand, his hold was a million times more stronger and painful than ones from the ropes before.  You exited the hallway of the east wing and entered the central area of the mansion. As soon as the door opened an awful smell hit your nose, you couldn't make out what it was but it was suffocating. Right after the smell a thick cloud of black smoke hit your face making it impossible to see or breath. Covering your mouth and nose gave little comfort, you began to cough uncontrollably.

Yandere!Twins x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora