Chapter 3 : Rina & Sebastian

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You were having your usual afternoon tea in your little indoor garden. Rina insisted on making one like you did back home. Sebastian and Alfred were against this at first but somehow Sebastian changed his mine it was also on the day he "fell down the stairs". Well you never saw him fall but his body was covered in bruises so it must be true.

Either way, you loved this place. It was smaller than at your other home to which Rika always reminded, annoying the twin brothers.
Rina placed her tea cup on the little table and spoke "(Y/N), when will you be leaving?"
"Um at 6.Are you sure you can't go?"
" I am so sorry my sweet angel,I want to go but me and Sebastian have to finish our class"

Ahh, the infamous "class" Sebastian and Rina have. Every weekend they leaves the house to attend their class in a private school. Nobody even knows what they do there, except study. But they always end up wounded. But they don't seem to care much about it, in fact they look a bit more happier and calmer after this class.

You sighed again, you were sad they wouldn't go.

"Cheer up,(Y/N). When you'll be back I'll read you another book." Sebastian said with a smile on his face.

"Really?Really?" you were excited, you loved falling asleep to the soothing voice of Sebastian.

"And I will make sure to bake you your favourite cupcakes." Added Rina with her soft voice and she also smiled.

"This is a dream come true!" Rina's delicious cupcakes and Sebastian's calming stories, life is great!

~ The Next Day ~

The class was huge or so it seemed since the only people there at the moment were a teacher , Sebastian and Rina. The class was located in a private and modern looking school, you could clearly see that . It was located in the east wing so it always had plenty of sunlight , there were a lot of different plants , some even in full bloom despite the fact it was almost Halloween. There were a few shelves and bookcases full of all kind of educational materials dictionaries, encyclopedias, history book and some books for leisure. However, since everybody here had a modern gadget ready to be used anywhere and any time there really wasn't any need for all of this. Perhaps the school left this as an aesthetic feature rather than for educational purposes. Who knows?

The class was as boring as ever but both of them tried to hide that fact away from the teacher and each other. Trying to pay attention and not falling asleep is a difficult task but luckily they were succeeding . However, it might be because they had a sort of "entertainment" with them. No, I'm not talking about them browsing the web with their smart phone or texting (Y/N) -well the last one might be sort of true - their entertainment was something more different than that.

When the teacher would turn around to write something on the desk or if they get a call that they need to answer, that was when their "fun" began. For example, let's take today's lesson.

It was mathematics an extremely boring subject, I agree. Rina tried her best to keep her attention on the teacher, after some research she figured out that moving around a pen in her hand helped her to no fall asleep as much. So she began doing that and it became her new habit.

Sebastian despised this. The sound of her moving her pen annoyed him to no end. Actually everything she did made him mad, even the fact that she breathed the same air as him and(Y/N). There was nothing in the world he desired more than to make Rina suffer and suffer by his hands and his hand only. Every time she passed by or caught his sight , Sebastians blood would boil and his hand began to squeeze into a fist. How dare she live..How dare she exist... were the thoughts in his head every time he thought of Rina. Everyday with her was like a never ending hell, the worst kind of hell , he had to act polite towards her , be a gentleman and he hated it. Every time he would open the door for her or pull out a chair he wanted nothing more than to take that chair and hit Rina with it again and again and again and again and again... Until he turns her body into a big bloody mess,now that would be a work of art for him. Strangling her with his bare hands, watching as her lovely little face turned from a light pink, to red, to blue , to transparent. Only than would he say "You really are beautiful, Rina. " - not as beautiful as (Y/N) of course - in any other case hearing people say

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