Chapter 12 : Part B

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This chapter is the continuation from B ) Follow Sebastian and Rina


You were looking out the window , you tried your very best to think about the orange, red and brown leaves. How great it feels to step on a crispy leaf, how much delicious snacks are made during this season but you couldn't...your mind was still on yesterday. What were they talking about ? What game? Why did Sebastian say he wants to hurt you...

You shook your head " No!It's none of my business! That conversation was way too personal!"

"What conversation?" Alfred got up behind you and hugged you!

"Eeek!" you jumped up " A-Alfred! Don't do that!"

He smiled " Sorry, sorry~  You just look so cute when you're thinking~"

" think everything I do is cute"

"That is..."he leaned in closer " because.." His face was too close to yours.

"Wh-wha.."you tried to move back but the wall blocked your way. He looked a bit spaced out and YOU SHOULDN'T BE THAT CLOSE TO YOUR OLDER BROTHER!

"You're sooo adorable!" and again he gave you a big hug. Making you sigh with relief, thank god , he didn't do anything else...thanks , Oreimo.

You two were rubbing your cheeks against each other " Okay! Okay! That is enough! Alfred!!!!" you started to gently hit him on the back but he wouldn't let you go.

You spotted someone from the corner of your eyes " H-Help meee!"

The figure turned around , it was Rika but she looked different. Her clothes were wrinkled , she looked totally spaced out but the weirdest thing was that her hair was loose. Rika never not had twin ponytails or two braids , she was a very hyper person and would often run around and her long hair as she said "bitch slaps my face" so she always has it done, even when she is sick.

Rika started to slowly  move towards you, she could barely move her feet and rocked back and forth. It looked as if she was trying to say something but no sound came out of her.

"Alfred! Let go! I thing something is wrong with Rika!"

"Rika?" he seemed confused. Alfred turned his head  and saw her just when her foot hit the table and she started to fall forward. Alfred quickly got off you and caught her, than steadied her up.

"Rika! Are you alright?" you ran up to the two, she definitely did not look good and the fact that she didn't utter a single word was even creepier. She was like a doll...a lifeless doll.

"Don't worry , (Y/N)! She is just tired from um..working on a project with me.."

"With you?..."

He noded happily " We are getting along , aren't you happy?"

You were not sure how to respond to that...On one hand, you were happy that they were not fighting and becoming friend but on the other...Rika looked like a zombie and Alfred's smile looked so fake. What is going on with this damn family?..

"(Y/N).." he shook your shoulder.


"You spaced out.~" he smiled.

"" you put your hand behind your head and gave a nervous smile.

"(Y/N) " Rina walked up to you " Rika, Alfred" she gave a small bow.

"Um..hi?" Alfred replied while Rika stayed silent.

"I will be leaving now." 

"Now? " you looked at the clock " But it's still early.."

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