Chapter 18

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They said this as if they didn't know before me weeks ago.

"Guys you knew I liked him a long time ago, why so surprised now."

"You hard to read Hope so we were going off suspicion not fact," Alex said.

I shrugged knowing that she was somewhat right.

"Well what do I do now that I like him? I mean does he even like me?"

"Girl yes that man like you. He be inviting you to his house!"

"Plus he literally treats you like a girlfriend," Tia said adding on to Lexi earlier statement.

"I don't know I feel like that stuff he might do for others to," the hesitation in my own voice worrying me.

Rian came in with the question I guessed kinda put me at rest, "Any of y'all ever had someone pay for your shoes after not even knowing you for month?"

They all shook their heads no, and I guess that was a semi sign.

"Your a skeptic," Alex's said.

I laughed because for once I was gonna say she was fully right.

"And is!"

We talked the rest of the night enjoying each other company. My phone going off every once and while. A message from my parents, notifications from instagram, and even a text from him.

Maybe coming to Florida was an okay idea.

This is so short but honestly this is all I have and it's been sitting as a draft for months. Plz forgive me lol

Love you :)

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