Chapter 2

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May 12th
7 pm

Hope's POV

I was being shook as my eye started to flutter open. I saw a women face and jumped back in my seat rubbing my eyes. "Sorry ma'am to scare you, but you fall asleep and the flight is over," she said with a smile. I looked up at her and smiled, "sorry," I tried to say but nothing came out I smiled shyly. She nodded her head as I got up to stretch my body. My body shaking. Then after I reached up to grab my suitcases.

I was looking around the airport for my Aunt and my cousins Lexi and Tianna. Just when I was about to pull my phone out to call them I heard someone yell my name. I turned around and there was my Aunt and cousins. I waved walking up to them. She was my favorite Aunt she never judged me for being different then the rest of the family or my older siblings.

"Hi baby. It's so good to see you! I missed you so much," she said with so much... well Joy. She really and I mean really lives up to her name. "I missed you guys too," I said as I gave her a hug. "Aht mama move let us hug her too," My 2 cousins said. "Girl I will pop you."

I laughed a little while Lexi just huffed. They walked up me and we hugged. " I missed you guys so much." They agreed and we talked on our way out the airport. I was in Florida and there's no going back.

"Girl there's this party tonight we should go in honor of you coming back," Tianna said. "Um no thank you I'm not a party person," I spoke shyly but my voice had bass. That just how my voice was sadly. Sometimes I didn't talk at all though. "But plz-." I looked at her, "Please don't force me you know how I am with big crowds." She nodded understanding. "Well maybe we can stay here and watch Netflix or something," Lexi suggested. I nodded my head. " Oo we can invite the boys since we were supposed to be going to party with them." Which made me instantly look up. "Really boys why can't it just be us. I just got here."

"Um well I already texted them I'm sorry Pooh I'll tell them not to come." Lexi said and Tianna agreed. I looked at them getting their phones back out. "No it's fine they can come. I'll be fine." They both looked at me unsure of my answer. "Are you sure Hope we can tell them not to come can be a girls night," Tianna said. I nodded.

They looked at me one more time before putting there phones away. "Okay we told them to be here at 8 so we have an hour and half to get ready." I was confused by what Lexi meant by get ready.

Shouldn't we just have on pjs I thought. I looked at them getting out makeup and hair products. They had long curly hair but mine was only to my shoulders barely. They saw that I wasn't getting ready." I had already had on Pjs and took a shower after I unpacked and ate.

"Girl what you doing just sitting there you supposed to be getting ready." I looked at them confused. "I am ready." They looked at each other for a few seconds and then back at me. "Umm okay sis," they seemed genuinely confused. I felt like I was doing something wrong. "What's wrong guys," I asked. "Nun mama," Tianna said. "It's just you wear long pajama pants? While the air out?" Lexi asked as I looked down at my pants.

I wore them because they hid my thighs well and some other stuff. "Oh I don't like my legs showing." They nodded understanding.

"Tia make sure the popcorn is not burnt,"Lex yelled. "And Hope make sure the wigs are cooked." I liked to cook it was fun so I made honey bbq, bbq, and lemon pepper wings. I hopped whoever was coming likes them.

"There here," lex yelled. I just stayed in my part of the couch since I didn't know them. Wait but what if I come off as rude, if I don't get up and introduce myself. I'll get up and say hi. Just I was about to get up it struck on me.

I can't speak to new people or people that well in general. I mean I can speak around me I know well of comfortable with, but sometimes it's hard still. What if they think I sound dumb or what if I stutter. Omg what if they make fun of me. A million bad things that could happen raced through my mind. "Hello." I heard a faint voice say.

I looked up to see 3 boys staring at me and Lex and Tia. I looked up at Tia and Lex. "Guys this our cousin Hope she's here from Michigan on summer break.

The light skin one with waves is Dre. The Brown skin is De'von and the Dark Skin one is Micah. Tia explained. They nodded and said hey. I nodded my head, so I didn't come off as rude.

"Okay I think we should watch Nutty professor," Dre said. Lexi and De'von agreed. "Well I think we should watch Madea Witness Protection." Tia said as Micha agreed with her. "Well it doesn't matter because you lose," De'von said. "No I don't because Hope didn't Vote. What do you wanna watch Hope," Tia asked. I like both movies I thought, but I like Witness Protection.

I tried to speak but nothing would come out my mouth. I felt so embarrassed it wasn't the first time it happened. I started to get anxious on the inside. "Just calm down mama use your words it's fine no rush," they said finishing each other sentence. "Um Madea," I said. "Madea it is." "No were tied." Tia looked at Dre with attitude. "Anddd," she said with an eye roll. He just rolled his eyes and left it alone.

We're watching Madea and I was on the couch with Micha, of course far away maybe 5 feet. It was a pretty big couch. I laughed a little quietly making someone look at me, but I never looked back. I felt like he was judging me but maybe I just paranoid. "Is she slow," I heard someone ask.

"No you idiot she doesn't handle new people well or people and you guys aren't the most welcoming ," Lexi said mugging Dre with a whisper. I broke a little, so I just got up and made my way to kitchen for some water.

I felt sick, so I grabbed a cup and put water in it. I felt some creep up behind me. "Aye I'm sorry bout my friend," Micah said. I poured the rest of my water out and turned around. I nodded understanding.

Walking past them to grab my pillow off the couch. "Where you going mocha," Tia said using another nickname they had for me. "Sleep," I whispered.

I just walked up the stairs heading to my room. I threw my pillow on my bed and laid down. "It's okay... You're okay he didn't mean to say that," I said out loud but to myself. I just closed my eyes and let sleep hopefully take over my body.

Okay y'all that's a wrap with chapter 2. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading. Vote, Comment, Follow, Add. Only if you like though.

Love y'all :)

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