Chapter 6

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Edited and Filler Chp🚩
Hope's POV
2 weeks later Mid June

"Omg stop please I can't breathe," I said laughing. Micha was tickling me because I gave Von and Dre head massages but not him. "Give me a head massage and I'll stop. Your supposed to be my friend mamas." I laughed while trying to pry his hands off me, but it didn't work, so I have to just give in. "Okay okay I'll do it just please stop," I said with tears running down my face. He lifted up off me and pulled me up. I looked at him and pouted. "I couldn't breathe." He looked at me and said, "You were talking though." I just rolled my eyes and sat back into the couch.

Micha came and sat between my legs on my bed. We were watching spongebob as I massaged his scalp. He had locs and just had them re twisted a week ago. I felt his head slowly leaning. Making me giggle. Over these past weeks me and Micha have a grown closer. I talk to him but I still stutter and can't get words out sometimes. "Hey Micha your head is leaning just lay your head down on my lap," I said so he wouldn't get a cramp in his neck.

He got from in between my legs and laid with his hands around my waist and his head in my lap. As I sat against my head board. I continued to play in his hair slowly falling asleep too. I was trying to keep my eyes up.

"Look how cute they are." "I know right let me get a picture." I heard faint talking and then a noise. So I tried to roll over but something pulled me back. I came in contact with a hard chest. I quickly opened my eyes and rubbed them trying to get my eyes to focus. I look around and saw that I was in my bed but then I saw Micha laying next to me. I looked around the room some more to see everybody in front of my bed.

I looked at them and they were cheesing but I was freaking out. I looked to my left and started shaking Micha. He groaned and put his arm on his head making his shirt come up a little, and Whew baby when I tell you I saw abs. His eyes fluttered open and looked at me. "Why you wake me up from good sleep," he said as he sat propped on his elbows? "Because they woke me up," I said pointing to everybody in front of me.

They were still smiling and Layla just kinda burned a whole in my head. "Oh what's up y'all." Dre and Von looked at Micah with their heads turned to the side. I swear they gotta be related. "Naw nigga don't what's up us. Whats's with you or should I say y'all," Von and Dre said.

He laughed and shook his head, " I was sleep I don't know what you expect me to say." They just smirked and shook they head.  The room was silent after that. Until Alex said something, "Where just gonna leave y'all alone," she said as everybody walked out the room.

"Sorry about falling asleep but you had a nigga about to die trying not to sleep," he dry chuckled. I smiled, "Sorry." He looked at me and licked him lips coming up to face. "No need to be that's the best sleep I had in a while." I nodded and he sat up stretching. He turned to me and looked at me for a few seconds. "So I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and he grabbed his phone and keys walking out my room.

Okay so I'm ending this.. Hope you guys enjoyed. Vote, Comment, Follow, Add Only if you want Byee!!

Love you:)

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