❄️ Chapter 22 ❄️

Start from the beginning

That was the sad resolve that Shisui had imparted her, and before Yumetsuki could talk to him about it, the boy descended into a fever slumber. She reached for the Zabuton cushion, gently moving Shisui to lay his head down on it so he could sleep.

Even when she finished healing him and got up to make him a soup, those words had swirled around in Yumetsuki's head. She felt very concerned for the mental wellbeing of her one and only student.

Yet when Shisui had woken up, he spoke nothing further about it. He still looked tired even after his fever had subsided but he didn't seem to want to pick up the subject with her again.

"Thank you for the soup, Yumeko-Chan," said Shisui as he got ready to leave later that evening. "Your food is always so delicious. Your home is such a sanctuary for me,"

"I am happy you enjoyed it," Yumetsuki replied. "But I want you to now take care of your health. I cannot see you sick. And whenever you feel like things are getting heavy for you to carry, please know that I am there to take some of your burden for you,"

At this, Shisui had stared at her for several long seconds when she had said that, with a smile on his lips that appeared to Yumetsuki to be more sad and less happy.

"Have I ever told you how wonderful you are, Yumeko-Chan?" Shisui asked suddenly, and in a strange tone of voice. "I hope you stay this sweet your entire life,"

These words had taken Yumetsuki by surprise – Shisui had often complimented her but he had never sounded the way he did at that moment. But more surprising than anything else was the fact that Shisui reached his arms out and hugged her.

Shisui had hugged her against himself, hugged her so warmly and so tightly and for so long that Yumetsuki had no clue what to say to him. And then he had left with a merry wave of his hand.

Yumetsuki rubbed her forehead as she absentmindedly leafed through the book open in front of her on the Chabudai. Her thoughts continued to trail to that occasion.

For the life of her, Yumetsuki could not quite put a finger on what exactly was causing this. She missed the cheerful, blushing face of Shisui that she had first met years ago.

While she had been this busy with her thoughts, Yumetsuki had not at all focused on the fact that Chakra was moving to the direction of her home.

Not until there was a knock on the front door, sounding through the heavy downpour and Yumetsuki looked up in surprise.

Familiar Chakra reached out to her and Yumetsuki went toward the door, and without having to ask, she opened it to find the figure of Kakashi there.

Kakashi appeared to have reached his full height and towered over Yumetsuki. He was starting to resemble his father with his features and the way he grew out to be so broad.

"Kakashi-Kun, what brings you here?" Yumetsuki inquired curiously. "Is there something going on?"

"There wasn't much to do in this rain so I brought this," Kakashi answered and he held up two bags of food. "Felt we both could do with some company,"

Yumetsuki admittedly felt like she really could do with the company. She wasn't able to focus on anything anyhow and she hadn't had dinner either. And so, she welcomed Kakashi inside, heading to the kitchen to fetch some utensils for them.

"Is Naruto sleeping already?" Kakashi asked as he set the food down on the Kotatsu.

"Yes, he was quite bored with staying in," Yumetsuki replied. "But exhausting himself to sleep just by playing around,"

"Has he started Academy?" Kakashi asked, causing Yumetsuki to look at him strangely.

"You are so forgetful, Kakashi-Kun," Yumetsuki mused as they sat down together at the table, leaning against the Zabuton. "At such a young age as well,"

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