Destiel ~ Don't Forget About Me Part 3 (Au)

Start from the beginning

"How'd y-"

"Psychologically." Cas boredly said.

"You can call me John, Cas." Dean's dad said. The muscles Dean had tensed, relaxed.

"Well, it's a pleasure meeting you John." Cas smiled.

"Does anyone here know how to write an essay? I mean! 5 page argument on gay marriage!" Adam groaned from the couch. Cas had just noticed him.

"Use double space and change the font size of all periods to 16." Cas said from where he stood. He had noticed Adam was typing on a laptop.

"Thanks." He went back to his essay.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot English was your best subject!" Dean comments.

"I can't believe you still remember that after eight years." Cas chuckled.

"Stop flirting!" Sam groans from who fucking knows where. John seem surprised at this. "Did you two date?" He questions. Cas didn't know how to answer, but Dean answered quickly.

"Yeah. In high school. Michigan, 1995." Dean says, as if some secret code were exchanged, John knew exactly when Dean was talking about. This family had its secrets.

"Wait, this is the guy you dated? I don't think a guy this smart could tolerate you." John says, seeming like a backhand blow to Dean. Cas could feel the sting of the comment as well.

"What are you implying?" Cas questions.

"Well, Dean's never been the sharpest tool in the box." Cas was shocked by John. Dean was plenty smart. He knew that. I just don't think John knew, and by the way Dean tensed up again, Dean felt extremely offended by the comment.

"Dean is not dumb. I've met dumb people, they can hardly tell right from left. Hell, I've met the biggest douche bags to have ever existed. And, dare I say it, I don't care what happened in your past, but no one should speak that poorly of their own son." Cas words echoed the room. Dean stared at the ground and smiled.

"I doubt you have a hard life." John snorts.

"I live in a rather large family. My dad is a single dad, an alcoholic who wouldn't pay for my college tuition. I worked 5 jobs to get enough money to pay for my college tuition. I worked hard in school to get scholarships. I avoided making friends. My best friend is a psychopath who would kill for me, and I couldn't be happier to have her as my best friend. I'm a gay in the world of homophobics. I worked hard to live a rather comfortable life. Yeah, my life isn't hell anymore, but I sure went to hell and back to get where I am now." Cas let roll off his tongue. His life story. Cas turned to look at Dean. "I actually came to talk to you Dean. Considering well, the situation, let's talk outside." Cas grabbed Dean's wrist and pulled him out of the room.

"I've never seen someone talk to my old man like that." Dean smiled at Cas. He pulled Cas close, pressing a kiss on his lips. "So, what did you come to talk about? Did you uh, think about us?" Dean questions with a gulp.

"I went to talk to Savannah because, crazy as she is, she gives excellent advice. She asked me what I wanted, and that I should follow my heart. And I said as painful as it would be to watch you leave again, I still want to be with you." Cas softly smiled.

"Good. Because I want to be with you, no matter how much pain it brings me." Dean smiled, baring his perfect white teeth. They stood there for a minute, the cool silence not uncomfortable for once.

"Should we head back inside?" Cas questions.

"Yeah." Dean sighed. They walked back inside, everything seemed to kick back into motion.

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