Chapter 11: Council Meeting of Deities.

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Ya heard the title right, the meeting of the deities. So far, you only know the portions of the deities. Let's get on then!


"I'm glad everyone can make it in this council meeting."

The deity, Destiny herself said. The council room was filled with different deities of times, and more.

"I-I'm guessing we-were all here to dis-discuss F-fate's death?"

The shy deity, Future asked. Destiny nodded slowly, everyone turning to Future as if she's done something wrong, she realized it.

"I-I'm so-sorry..!"

She stood up, bowing up and down before the other deities calm her down and gets her settled in her very seat at the meeting. She still feels uneasy bringing up that subject to the deity.

"So, as far as we know Ink is the only one that got free from Fate's strings."

The deity, Past said. The man smoking cigarettes while in the meeting, it's become his habit and the deity's are very used to his smoking and usual everyday problems at Fate, but today.. it felt oddly weird that Fate's usual anger isn't colored in this room. It's too weird.

"We still need to know how Fate dusted!"

The youngest deity, Memory pointed out.

"That's why I hosted this meeting, Memory."

Destiny said, the child slowly nods and sits back to the chair. Silence fills the entire room before another deity decides to interrupt the silence itself; The Deity of Creation.

"I think that it's best we ask Ink."

Creation said, earning the other deities's attentions. Everyone went silent still, thinking their heads out because Creation doesn't talk that much. He only tends to use sign language or Morse code, it's weird as well.

"No! Ink won't directly tell us, Creation."

The Deity of Destruction fought back. He was the first to oppose to one of Creation's ideas, it's rare for Destruction to deny his brother's suggestions. It also earned him some shocked silent gasps and murmurs from other deities.

"As much as I'd like to deny, it's true. As much as we observed Fate's child, Ink developed trust issues and keeps everything to himself; he may even keep Fate's death and the reason for it."

The Deity of Voices said. Earning a silence murmur of the crowd, slowly agreeing to Destruction and leaving Creation to join the other deities to agree at Destruction's statement.

"Well then, let's get to the point."

Destiny said before sitting back at her chair, her long light pink hair shines brighter than the moon illuminating Past's shadow.

"S-so a deity o-only di-dies when h-he or sh-she makes contact in the liv-living world.."

Future said, her hands trembling slowly. She isn't used to public speeches as she is shy in giving one. Her hands fiddle on her lap, feeling everyone's stare at her right now.

"A-a deity is al-also killable in t-this wo-world."

"O-oh..! Also, it might be possible she can get killed by her own creation as she is the one that abuses her own creation!"

She says fastly but the deities can keep up with her voice, it's surprising how she isn't stuttering at all saying that very fast.

The deities chatted for a plan in a very long time. Feeling a bit weirded out because of Fate's absence and death.

"So, we've come to a solution?"

Other deities agreed to Destiny, smiling at the plan she had built. She also made plan B in case Ink doesn't budge for Plan A.

"All right, we'll assemble here tomorrow. Y'know when and where."

With that, the council meeting is dismissed.


Hm. I wonder what Plan A and Plan B is? Will Ink either budge to the Plan A or no..? I don't know. It's for me to know and for you to find out;

Peace out, Laz!

651 words.

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