Chapter 6: Fuzzy Memories.

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Possible swear parts, and cheesy writings!

"What do you mean they can't be saved?!"

"I'm sorry but they lost a lot of blood, resulting in a coma."

"How will me and my mom wait for long?!"

"I'm sorry. But it cannot be helped as they are poisoned and also stabbed in the chest 3 times before loosing a big amount of blood."

"..Please, do whatever it takes to make her wake up..."

"Will surely do."

"Will we ever get to visit them?"

"Yes, yes. You can still visit them but it's going to be over after 2-4 hours of visiting. Any desired hour to visit, but please do not visit at night or midnight."

"I- I see.."

"Well then, I'll leave both of you be as I have been assigned to take care another patient. Thank you very much."

The person leaves their presence, walking away in the left corridor turning to his right and disappears.

"W-who's the culprit...?"


"The culprit of your sibling!"

" . . . "

"D-did you have something to do with it..?"

"Mom, did you hit your head or are you just going insane because y/n won't wake up anytime soon?"

"Y-you're right.."

"Of course mom.."

"I always am."


"Y/n..! Please wake up.."

Pleas of someone crying but you can't make out that person anymore, you aren't y/n.. Not anymore. Who was it begging you to awoke from your deep slumber?


W H O ? !



"I know you won't wake up anytime soon."

"In case you forget;"

"Even if you fucking catch me as your culprit,"

"I am a minor and you have no evidence against me;"

"You fucking old hag."


"Hey. Old hag."

"Guess what?"

"..I cooked your dog."

"I fed him to mom. She enjoyed it."

"I'm glad you went in that fucking coma."

"I hope you never wake up again."


"Hey honey.."

"Please wake up soon.."

"Your brother miss(ed) you so much..!"

"Y/n wake up soon.."


"Hey old hag. Don't you ever fucking wake up."

"Me and mom are in very great terms,"

"I am her favorite. Not you, a fucking 25 year old not learning how to defend themselves."

"In case you should know.."

"Go to hell old hag."

"You were never wanted here."

"Just die in this coma."


"Hey old hag."

"In this world,"



Oooo?~ a Flowey reference?

Lmao idk..

Peace out, Laz!

408 words.

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