But just as quickly as he thought he saw her, the wall went back up and the Klein Maddox sitting behind him at became the same girl who stormed into the Big House with a scowl on her face at Annabeth's summons.

However, Jason wasn't able to focus on the girl behind him because rising up towards them were two winged figures, and they had swords.

"Heads up, guys." Jason shouted over both the wind and Leo's protests against the North Wind living in a hotel, "We got company!"

Klein's hand went to her bow though she didn't pull it off of her shoulder. Her eyes locked on the approaching figures with tact and apprehension, sizing them up for a threat as Jason tensed in front of her, only causing her her grip on the bow to tighten.

"I don't like this." Jason shook his head. Festus seemed to agree, beating his wings and rumbling beneath the demigods. "They look like storm spirits."

"Some funky looking storm spirits."

As they got closer the two figures looked noticing more like teenagers than storm spirits, though they both bore icy white hair and purple wings. The one looked like an eighties reject, with his icy white mullet and tight leather pants. The other was easily the size of a small ox, donning a bright red hockey jersey and a black eye to match the sport. And as if their appearance wasn't disconcerting enough, the swords that they both held out looked like jagged bronze icicles.

"No clearance." The hockey ox grunted, sword leveled at Festus' head.

"Excuse me?"

"You have no flight plan on file." The Journey reject continued, his French accent sounding so fake that Klein resisted the urge to comment on it. "This is restricted airspace."

"Destroy them?"

The threat did nothing but put the group further on edge - Festus hissed at the angel duo as Jason summoned his gold sword and Klein slipped her bow off of her shoulder. "Wait!" Leo yelped, looking between the demigods and the jagged swords pointed towards them, "Let's have some manners here, boys. Can I at least find out who has the honor of destroying me?

"I am Cal!" The ox looked proud of himself, grin bearing every one of his missing teeth to the group.

"That's short for Calais." The mullet guy rolled his eyes, "Sadly, my brother can't say more than two syllables-"

"Pizza! Hockey! Destroy!"

"An exceptional vocabulary." Klein hummed beneath her breath.

"-which includes his own name."

"I am Cal." Cal repeated, "And this is Zethes, my brother!"

"Wow, that was almost three sentences, man!" Leo nodded, the underlying jab of his tone making Klein hide a smirk, "Way to go."

Zethes mumbled various insults before turning back to the group, "I am Zethes, which is short for Zethes, and this lady here-" He winked at Piper, "She can call me whatever she would like. Perhaps she would like to have first with a famous demigod before we must destroy you? That one-" He eyed Klein from where he hovered, smirk dipping at the sides, "- not so much."

The fuck?

"That... is a truly horrifying offer." Piper gagged, though a vain part of herself had to suck back a laugh at his dismissal of the Maddox girl.

"It is no problem." Zethes grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows, "We are very romantic people, we Boreads."

"Boreads?" Jason cut in, "You mean, like, the sons of Boreas?"

They did, in fact, mean the sons of Boreas.

"Ah, so you've heard of us!" Zethes almost looked flattered, "We are our fathers gatekeepers. So you understand, we cannot have unauthorized people flying in his airspace on creaky dragons, scaring the silly mortal peoples." He sighed, "Which is sadly why, unless this is an emergency landing, we will have to destroy you painfully."

ANTI-HERO, j.graceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang