Chapter 5: Busy?

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I knocked on Ryan's door with my backpack dangling over my shoulder. His car was still in the driveway.

"Good morning!" I called, hitting my fist against the door a few more times.

Finally, the door creaked open and Ryan's older brother, Dwayne, stepped out. "Morning violet." He offered a sleepy smile, deep purple bags hung under his eyes.

"Hey, sorry. Ryan usually wakes me up, and he never came over and—"

"He'll be in later. We have something we have to take care of." He glanced at the house. "Your mom already at work?"


"Wait, a second. I'll grab my keys and take you. He should have told you yesterday."

"It's okay." I stepped off the porch. "I can walk. It's barely a mile."

He scoffed. "Like Ryan or your mom for that matter, would ever let me live that down." He reached around the door frame and grabbed his keys. "Come on, I'll get you there safe and sound."

"You really don't have to—"

"Your mom would freak out if she found out we let you walk to school alone." He locked and pulled the door shut behind him. "Besides, you'll be late if you walk. I can get you there on time still."

"I thought you said you'd get me there safe and sound."

He walked past me and opened the back door for me. "You can pick which you'd prefer."

"I'm not riding in the back." I rounded the car to the passenger side door and climbed in.

"Seatbelt." He slid into the driver's seat and reached across me.

"I'm almost an adult, you know." I snatched the belt from his hand and clicked it into place.

"But not yet and you're not getting hurt in my car." He whipped out of the driveway, the car jerking to a harsh stop before he sped out of the neighborhood.

"How many traffic violations do you have?"

"None." He flickered a glance at me. "I'm too charismatic for that."

"Right." I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out to send Ryan a text and ask him how he could forget to tell me he would be late to school when I just saw him yesterday.

Dwayne pulled up to the drop-off lane and I hopped out before he could try to embarrass me.

"Wait a sec." He caught my other backpack strap nearly making me drop my bag. "That new kid—"

"Nope. Not listening to it." I yanked my bag free from his grasp and slammed the door. He rolled the window down. "I don't know what Ryan is going on about. Tell him pouting is not how we deal with disagreements by the way, but I will talk to who I want to and—"

"Relax." He chuckled. "I was just gonna say, use protection."

"Dwayne!" My skin warmed and I glanced around to see who could have heard that, but most of the other students were still groggy and dragging themselves out of their cars and off the bus.

"Byeee." He wriggled his fingers at me and inched away as the line moved ahead. A chill swept over my skin.

"Good morning, Violet." Zack seemed to appear beside me, and my cheeks grew hot all over again as he smiled down at me. Stupid Dwayne.


"No friend?"

"Ryan wasn't feeling well. He'll be in later." Why did I tell him that? He didn't need to know that. He probably didn't care to know that.

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