Chapter 29

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TW: Daggers, mentions of smoking, drinking, and blood

(Thomas's pov)

The next morning I woke up and went down to the common room. Mattheo was drawing as expected and Theodore was sleeping on one of the couches. Mattheo saw where I was looking "He got in this morning then passed out, didn't really get any time to talk to him. Is Circe still asleep?"

"Yeah she's still asleep" I told him then sat down next to him and looked at what he was drawing, it was Circe's dress that she wore last night but different. It looked a little more edgy while still being elegant and true to Circe's style and honestly it looked like something Circe would wear.

"What do you think?" He asked me

"I think you could be a fashion and dagger designer, it looks really good"

"Yeah, I don't think dad would like that"

"Probably not" I laughed

Theodore opened his eyes and looked around "Good Morning Theodore" I said "What happened to you yesterday?"

He sat up "I was smoking then someone hit me with a bottle and started beating me up"

"Did you try fighting back?" Mattheo asked

"Of course I did but they hit me with a spell" He explained

"Well, it's good to see your alive and well"

(Circe's pov)

The end of the school year was coming too fast. We were on Easter break. Indu and Nathan were doing good for all I knew. I didn't hang out with her as much because she always seemed busy with one thing or another. Thomas had to go home for break to do some things for father so It was just Mattheo, Theodore, and me.

Just then Theodore dragged Mattheo into the room "What happened to him?" I asked

"He got into a fight," Theodore sighed. I rolled my eyes and waved my hand and he flew onto his bed.

"Of course he did"

"And then he got drunk and almost fell off the astronomy tower," He added.

I put my hand on my face and looked down, I wondered what went through his mind sometimes. I know I could just read his mind but I would be afraid of seeing blood. I needed to somehow get over my thing with blood.

(Thomas's pov)

My time at home over break was less than great but soon it was over and I got to see my siblings again.

The time leading up to the end of the year was stressful. I was going to take the test so I would be able to move up next year and that was going to be somewhat difficult because this year was hard but I was still going to try.

(Mattheo's pov)

Finally it was June but with June came tests. Theodore, Thomas, Circe, and I all took the test so we could move up next year. Less people took it then I thought, I would have thought everyone wouldn't want to have to have an extra year of school. We got the results back a week later and we all got to move up. 

515 words 

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