Chapter 14

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  TW: Mentions of death

(Still Thomas's pov)

I sat down on the stone and looked up at the stars. I didn't know exactly what I was thinking about, I had many thoughts that filled my head. Maybe I was questioning life, sometimes I wondered what I would be like if I wasn't a Riddle, what if I was a normal wizard. I didn't think about it for too long.

I sighed and picked Circe up and brought her back to the Slytherin common room. I received a few glances from some students but I didn't care. I put her in her bed and put the covers over her then I checked on Mattheo who was asleep. I got ready for bed quietly then got into bed.

(Circe's pov)

I woke up with a bad headache and I was sore all over, the sunlight streaming in through the window only made it worse. I grabbed a pillow and put it on my face then tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. I pulled the pillow off my face and threw it across the room. It nearly hit Thomas who was walking into the room. He looked from the pillow to me then back at the pillow then he looked at Mattheo who was apparently still asleep like I was 10 minutes ago. I sat up, made a tired noise and faceplanted into my sheets.

"Are you ok" Thomas asked after I stayed with my head in my sheets for 30 seconds

"No, I'm tired, I have a headache, and I am sore all over" I muttered into my sheets and I barely could hear my own voice.

"What?" He asked. No, I'm tired, I have a headache, and I am sore all over. I replied to him in my mind, it was harder than usual. What happened last night? Your nose started bleeding and you fainted or something then I picked you up and brought you back to the common room He explained. That's all? I asked. Yeah, why?

I feel terrible. I sat up "Why do I feel so sore?"

"I don't know" He replied "That person in the mask showed up, he said you were doing dark magic, is that true?

"Dark magic? Why do you think I would ever do dark magic?" I remarked "I am not like our father, I would never be like him"

He put his hands up "I know, I just wanted to ask" I rolled my eyes "You roll your eyes a lot you know that right?" I glared at him. He looked towards Mattheo's bed "Mattheo, you need to get up, you guys already missed breakfast, I'm not letting you miss lunch"

"Leave me alone" Mattheo replied, turning over to be on his stomach "Let me sleep" He mumbled into his pillows.

Thomas shook his head "Why do I have to be the parent today" He walked over to Mattheo's bed and pulled the covers off "Get up"

"Noooo" Mattheo replied

I took this moment to grab clothes and change in the bathroom. When I got out Mattheo was face first on the floor "I think you broke my nose" Mattheo declared, still on the floor.

Thomas shook his head "You fell off the bed trying to hit me, it's your fault"

I waved my hand and Mattheo floated back onto his bed, Thomas glanced at me "You ready to go?" He asked "We can leave Mattheo here if he really doesn't want to get lunch"

"I'm ready" I replied

"I don't want to go, you can go without me" Mattho rejoined. Thomas nodded his head and we made our way to the Great Hall.

Indu sometimes showed up for lunch but not always. I looked at the Ravenclaw table to see if she was there but she wasn't. I went and sat next to Olivia at the Slytherin table. After I ate I got up and left to go to the library. The doors closed behind me and I started walking down the hall, then I heard the doors open and close again and Thomas was at my side "You sneaking away?" He asked

"Just going to the library" I replied

"You shouldn't go alone"

"If they wanted to kill me, I would probably would have been dead by now or they would be dead" I protested "Besides, I was going to meet Theodore there"

"Since when have you talked to Theodore?"

"Since like four, five days ago" I answered

"I'm still coming with you"


We made our way to the library and I found Theodore. Thomas sat at one of the tables. "Why is your brother here?" Theodore asked

"Probably to make sure you don't kill me" I said then turned and went down the aisle looking for books. Theodore followed me "So what do you think about all the people being killed?"

"I'm surprised that we haven't all been sent home, I mean it's weird"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, very weird" 

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