Chapter 5

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TW: Violence mentioned sorta

"He thinks I'm going to help him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow

"Yes, he does"

"Well tell him I don't want to help"

"You already did," Theodore glanced behind me. I knew without turning that Mattheo was standing behind me. He came around the table and sat next to Theodore.

"I'm not helping you breaking in somewhere" I repeated

"Why not?" Mattheo asked, like breaking into somewhere was just a normal thing you did for fun. The more I thought about it the more that I thought maybe he did think that.

"Because I am not your servant nor am I someone for you to just boss around. You have friends and maybe Thomas will help you" I reasoned "Now please leave me alone or I swear you will be thrown out the window"

"Are you threatening me now?"

"Yes, now leave. Me. Alone."

"Fine" He got up and Theodore followed "I will see you at lunch"

"Can't wait" I replied sarcastically

I finished the reading and the bell rang minutes later. I found my way to the Great Hall, then sat next to Indu who was starting the reading for charms that I had read last period "How was DADA?" I asked

"Fine, kinda boring" She replied "We just went over what we are going to be learning this year and stuff"

I ate quickly "Hey I'm going to take a walk around before classes start, I'm done eating anyway"

"Can I come?" She asked

"Sure, if you want"

"Just give me a sec" She finished what she was eating then grabbed her books and we headed out of the Great Hall "So where do you want to go?" She asked

"Anywhere but the Great Hall" I replied

We walked around for a while then we found a bench to sit on. Indu looked at me "Your hair is really pretty" She commented

"You look like a model" I complemented back

"Really? I don't think so"

"Yeah, you look like a goddess or- maybe a... queen"

"Thanks, that makes my day"

"No problem," I smiled.

I heard footsteps coming our way and then Thomas came around the corner. His hands were behind his back and he walked like he owned the place. He stopped a little ways away from us and looked down at me. "Hello sister" He said in his voice that made him sound like the gentleman he was not. "Who's this?" He asked nodding at Indu

"This is Indu, a fellow first year Ravenclaw. Indu this is my oldest brother, Thomas"

"Pleasure to meet you" Thomas smiled

I rolled my eyes "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see how you're doing"

I stood up "You sure, you're usually so... annoying"

"I wanted to talk to you privately" He looked back at Indu

"How about after our two afternoon classes"

"Where?" He asked

"Where do you want to meet?"

"The astronomy tower would do"

"Ok, let's meet in the library then"

He frowned "Fine" the Bell rang again and I was off to DADA.

Just like Indu said, DADA was kinda boring and passed by very slowly. We went through the topics we would be learning about this year and two kids in the back of the classroom kept bursting out laughing for some reason I didn't know.

Finally it was time for potions, I had a class with Indu again. Potions was faster than DADA but it was still slow. The professor went over a lot of safety rules and whatnot and we didn't have to start any potions, which was sort of sad because I liked making potions.

"Hey Indu, can you come to the library with me just in case, you can sit close by and if anything happens at least you're there, you can get someone to help if anything goes bad"

"Sure, I haven't been to the library yet and I really wanted to see it"

"If my brother asks you why you are there you can just say you wanted to do your homework"

"Yeah, sure" she nodded

We made our way to the library and Thomas was already there, waiting. He was reading a book, sitting with perfect posture and a bored look on his face. His eyes suddenly flicked up from his book and met mine as a small dark smile appeared on his face. I watched Indu wander into the library and left her to head over to my brother.  

734 words 

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