Chapter 10

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(Circe's pov)

I saw Olivia on the couch and told Thomas I knew her from the train and I wanted to go talk to her. He left me alone. I walked over to the green velvet couch and sat down next to her.

She looked up and her eyes lit up slightly "Oh hey you're the girl from the train, Circe? Wasn't it, Circe Riddle" She asked

"'Yep, that's me, and your Olivia what was it... Lee, Olivia Lee"

"Yep thats me, sorry I didn't talk to you much on the train, Evelyn and Harper are annoying and were talking too much and I didn't really know you... and you seemed like you wanted to be left alone so" she shrugged slightly

"You also seemed like you wanted to be left alone, but Evelyn and Harper do talk way too much. Have you talked to them or seen them since the train?" I asked

"I have potions with Evelyn and have DADA with both of them, they always try to talk to me, how about you?"

"I saw Evelyn and Harper in the hall, they acted like I didn't exist, probably because I am a Riddle"

"Lucky! I want to be forgotten by them" she gave a small smile and her face changed slightly "That sounded worse out loud" She cringed back

"I wouldn't say I'm forgotten, just avoided" I commented "And it's ok"

"So why are you here, in the Slytherin common room, you're a Ravenclaw, I mean I like that I get the chance to talk to you but I am a little bit confused"

"I am too but what I can understand is that some professors think it better that I am close to my brothers so they can protect me or something or have an eye out for me, like I can't protect myself. But I mean I get to see your common room and hang out with Slytherins plus my brothers can be nice... at times"

"Oh, I see, what are the Ravenclaws like?"

"Weird... in many good ways, but still weird. This morning two of them were playing catch with a book, I honestly wonder how they got into Ravenclaw" I shook my head and she laughed quietly

"Hey Olivia, catch" A guy shouts from across the room as he throws something at her. Olivia doesn't see it and I stick my hand in front of her face and grab the item before it hits her, it ended up being a wand, her wand that he somehow had.

"Nice catch" Olivia commented as I gave it to her

"Who are you?" I asked the boy

"I'm Jamal, first year Slytherin, and you are?" he raised an eyebrow

"I'm Circe" He almost fell off the couch

"Circe? Like Circe Riddle, you're Circe Riddle?"

"Yes, but I am fine with being called Circe, just Circe"

"That works for me. How long you going to be staying with us?"

"However long I want" I replied

"Well, I'm gonna head up, nice meeting you and I hope to see you tomorrow" He got up and left

"He has a lot of energy" I commented

"Yeah" Olivia agreed

"Is he like a Slytherpuff" I asked

"I don't know, but the rest of his family is Hufflepuffs so maybe, probably, but he is pretty competitive and apparently got kicked out of a couple schools before because of some odd reason" She paused "A lot of people think he's Blaise Zabini's brother or related to him for some reason, but he claims that's not true"

"Hmm" I shrugged my shoulders

"Well I'm going to head up as well but I will see you tomorrow" Olivia got up and disappeared up the staircase. I got up and looked around and found Thomas talking to some of his friends and I didn't want to bother him but he noticed me standing, looking in his direction. He excused himself from the group and came over to me. A couple boys from his group turned their heads to glare at me, I glared back at them.

"You want to go up to the dorm?" He asked

"Sure" I replied then I followed him to the room and he showed me the empty bed that was now mine then he left, closing the door behind him.

I didn't have anything but my books, wand, and what I was wearing currently. I guess I was going to have to sleep in my clothes from the day, I would have to pick up some clothes tomorrow.

I layed down on the bed and thought about Indu. I hoped she didn't feel alone, I hoped I would see her at breakfast tomorrow. I got comfortable then I fell asleep much quicker then I would have thought, the sounds of water from the lake were slightly soothing.

I woke from a nightmare. I was breathing fast and the room was spinning and almost pitch black.

"Circe?" I heard a voice whisper

"Thomas?" I whispered back. Yes it's me His voice was louder in my mind Are you ok? He asked. I'm fine, nightmares I explained. Do you want to talk about it? No, I replied and tried to go back to sleep.

In the morning Thomas woke me up "Let's go to breakfast"

I looked around the room "Where's Mattheo?" I asked groggily

"He already went down with his friends" He explained

I heard a knock on the door and Thomas went to get it while I got out of bed and put my robes over my clothes from yesterday and grabbed my wand. "It's for you" Thomas called

I went to the door and saw Olivia "Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to walk to breakfast with me, I barely know anyone else and we have to be in groups"

I looked back at Thomas "umm, sure, I was going to go with my brother but we can all go together if that's alright with everyone" I looked between the two of them

"I'm fine with that" Thomas answered

"Me too," Olivia agreed, nodding her head.

We walked down to The Great Hall together and Thomas stayed a little bit behind but still kept an eye on us. When we got there I looked over to the Ravenclaw table but Indu wasn't there, I really hoped she was ok.

"You can sit with us if you want" Olivia offered, nodding to the Slytherin table

"Sure, I just don't know how the others will react"

"They're just going to have to deal with it" She gave me a reassuring smile and beckoned me to follow her to the table.  

1095 words

Circe Riddle (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora