Chapter 20

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TW: Cuts

 Three more days passed and I was losing hope that my brothers would ever find me in time. Everyday Dominique would ask me multiple questions I didn't answer then she would cut me and hurt me. I was constantly in pain and it felt like I was slowly going crazy. I had cuts, scars, and bruises all over. I could barely walk but the tea somewhat helped.

(Theodore's pov)

We had been walking through fields for a half of a day now. Thomas said we were getting close though so we kept on walking. I wondered how Circe felt right now, was she in pain? Was she losing hope? It had been a while, a few days, maybe even a week.

We came to a tall barbed wire fence and saw a private property sign. Mattheo grabbed me and suddenly we were on the other side of the fence. We saw some guards patrolling the fence. One of them saw us and Mattheo waved his wand and they fell silently to the ground.

After walking for a bit longer we came to a corn field that helped hide us as we went through them. A couple minutes later a large mansion came into view "This is the place" Thomas said quietly "I will go get Circe, Mattheo and Thomas go in the front, cause a distraction or something then knock out the guards and workers then come find me. Ok?"

"Sounds like a plan" Mattheo smiled "Sounds like fun"

(Circe's pov)

I was lying in bed when Thomas appeared next to me "Thomas?" I asked quietly

"Yeah, it's me," He replied. I saw him glance at my wrists. He took out his wand and healed them till they were just scars "Can you walk?" He asked

"Not really" I replied looking down

Thomas stepped back and waved his wand again "Try now" I got up and I felt fine I gave him a hug "Do you know where they are keeping your wand"

"A wand storage room, I have seen it before"

"Can you show me the way?" He asked, opening the door somehow. I took his hand, not wanting to lose him again and started down the hallways until I found the room labeled wand storage. Thomas opened the door and quickly made the worker pass out. I went in and scanned the shelfs and then I found it. I grabbed it.

"Let's go" I grabbed Thomas's hand again and pulled him down the hallways, we ran into Mattheo who was running from some security guards smiling, Theodore was close to Mattheo but he looked less than thrilled. Thomas waved his wand and they all fell to the floor.

"What did you do that for? I was having fun" Mattheo pouted

"Ok, now get over it" I replied. Noticing me, his smile became larger.

"Sister" He gave me a hug

"Brother" I replied hugging him back

"Well well well what a sweet family reunion" Dominique appeared down the hallway she walked a little closer "How cute"

I could see the boys were confused. "This is Dominique, the masked person" Dominique smiled and nodded her head once.

"You're a girl?" Mattheo blurted out and Dominique glared at him. Suddenly four guards appeared at her side and disarmed every one of us and made the wands come to them. Evey wand but mine, mine floated back into my hand before it could have been taken. I wave it and all the guards fall.

"Impressive" Dominique smiled again. She got on my nerves. She waved her wand and I felt pain all through my body. I didn't think I just did. I waved my wand at her and a green light came out of my wand and hit her. She fell to the floor and then there was a flash of green all around us then I fell and felt someone's hands catching me and lifting me up to hold me. 

653 words 

Circe Riddle (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora