Chapter 17

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TW: mentions of death, blood 

(Thomas's pov)

I was staring at Theodore, the boy who had a crush on my sister. I suspected it from the start. I didn't really know him much before this year, he was just a friend of Mattheo's. Even though I hadn't known him for long, I could tell he was smart and caring.

I left him alone again and went back to my dorm. Circe still had her eyes closed. I sat on my bed and flipped through the pages, I could understand most of it but not all of it. It angered me that Circe had this book, why did she have it when she said she wasn't doing dark magic, maybe she didn't mean to, but she never did anything by accident. But what would cause her to keep on fainting or passing out? I shouldn't have left her alone.

I had been home for a hour or two and wanted to check in on Circe so I did it through our link and felt nothing but darkness so I apparated to hogsmeade and came to the castle. My father taught Mattheo and me how to apparate about a year ago for a certain task. I had left Mattheo at home, I wanted to go alone

Circe opened her eyes and sat up. Her eyes were darker than I remember. She looked at me and the book I was holding "Why was this under your bed?" I asked

She looked scared for a second but only a second "I found it in my bag one day and I looked through it and saw things then I got nightmares from it so I thought making disappear would solve all my problems" She explained in a rush

"Saw things? What things?"

"Like visions or something. There was darkness and snakes and a bunch of other evil, dark things. What happened, why are you here, I thought you went home"

I shifted my weight and got up from my bed and walked over to hers. I rested my hand on her bed frame behind the curtains "I wanted to check in on you through the link and I felt like something was off so I came here"

She tilted her head and gave a small smile "Thanks but I'm fine"

"Are you?" I asked "You keep on fainting or passing out"

"The other times was because of blood" She reasoned

"And this time?"

She looked down "I don't know"

"Are you sure you didn't say or do any dark magic, even by mistake?"

She gave me a look "Sure I make mistakes, just not mistakes this big" She shook her head.

I heard footsteps coming closer then someone knocked on the door. I went to the door and Theodore was there, I let him in and he gave a small smile when he saw that Circe was up. Circe eyes were even darker than before.

Circe wanted to get out of the dorm so we went down to the common room.

(Circe's pov)

In the common room I sat on the couch and looked out the window into the lake. It was getting darker now so there wasn't much to see. Thomas sat on the couch next to me and Theo across the table on the other sofa. There were two other girls across the room talking and giggling, they had their backs to us.

Like all the other times, I sensed there was something off. There was an eerie feeling in the air, I frowned and Thomas could sense how I felt I got up and told him to scooch over so I could sit next to him, he did. I can sense something, I think the masked person is nearby or something I told Thomas in my head.

If right on cue the masked person walked in, I looked at Thomas face, he seemed tense. They turned their head at me "I'm feeling generous today so Circe I'm going to let you pick who I kill. Will it be the friend or the brother?"

I knew they wanted me to choose and destroy myself in the process but I was not having it today "None. Your doing this to get at me, so here's my deal, I will go with you if you leave my friends and family alone"

"Just your friends and family, you don't want to protect the whole school?"

"That would be asking for too much plus there's a few people I hate at this school" I shrugged

"Smart, we have a deal" They waved their hand and everyone around me fell except the person in the mask and me, then everything went black. 

778 words 

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