Chapter 16

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TW: Mentions of drinking 

Part 2:

(Still Theodore's pov)

I caught her and picked her up. I went to her dorm and put her on her bed. I tried to be as careful as I could with her. I wonder what caused her to fall.

Her eyes opened and glowed green for a few seconds then she closed her eyes again. I knew from Mattheo that when his eyes glowed green it meant he was communicating with, reading the minds, or sensing the emotions of his siblings. He rarely did it though.

I remember hearing her brother say something about someone saying that she was doing dark magic, I also remember hearing her say that she would never do dark magic and I believed her but she had been different lately. I found her books in a bag under her bed and opened the bag, I looked through the books and nothing seemed to have dark magic in it. I put the bag back where I found it, I looked to see if there were any other books but I didn't see anything. I moved my hand around and my hands landed on something that was invisible. I grabbed it and pulled it out, I grabbed my wand and did a spell then it became visible.

The book cover was made of black leather and had silver words or symbols, I didn't recognize it and couldn't read it. I opened the book and the inside was filled with the same unrecognizable words or symbols that were on the cover. I flipped through the pages and it was the same, there were a couple drawings of snakes, wands, and other things I couldn't identify.

Thomas suddenly walked into the room and saw me on the floor, he glared at me. I wanted to ask him how he was here but I had my guesses "What happened?" He asked. His voice was cold and stern. I explained to him what happened and that I didn't do anything.

I thrusted the book at him "I found this, it was invisible and I can't read it, maybe you can" then I headed for the door

"Theodore" He said, his tone softer but it still sounded like he was just stating my name and not a question.

"Yes," I replied. I turned my head to the side slightly but didn't look at him.

"Thank you" He pronounced

"No problem, I will always be here if you need anything, if Circe ever needs anything" I offered

"As a matter of fact there is something I want to ask you"

"What?" I turned to face him and saw him sitting on the chest at the end of Circe's bed

"Do you have a crush on her?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Do you have a crush on Circe" He repeated

"Why do you want to know?"

"Do you have a crush on Circe, just answer the question, there is no wrong answer"

"Yes, but it doesn't matter, she doesn't want nor need a boyfriend when she has you and Mattheo"

"True, but I am not always going to be here and just between us, I don't think Mattheo would protect her the same way I would, or you. Don't get me wrong, Mattheo is great and protective but he isn't always the best role model and it feels like lately he's been different, it's almost like he's..."

"Drunk?" I asked with a small laugh

"Yeah" He nodded his head. I left the room and went up to my empty shared dorm. All the other boys from my year who I shared the dorm with were gone for the holiday break. I went and sat on my bed, I looked out the window into the lake. I got out a journal I kept in a locked drawer, I didn't write anything too personal in it in case someone found it. I wrote about what I saw outside then drew a small drawing then closed the journal and put it back in the drawer and locked it.

I heard a knock on the doorframe, I looked up at the open door and saw Thomas standing there "Can I come in?"

"There's nothing stopping you" I remarked

He came in and walked over to me with the black leather book in his hands "I looked through this, it's written in runes, I learned it in third year"

"What is it about, what topics?"

"Dark magic" He replied then looked at the floor then back up at me, I could see that there was anger in his eyes but it wasn't towards me, it was for his sister.  

763 words

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