Chapter 19

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TW: Daggers, blood/ cuts

(Circe's pov)

I opened my eyes and I was in a different room. This room had the same colored walls and floors but it also had a bed, desk, closet, mirror, and carpet. I was lying in the bed, I was still sore if not more and my headache persisted. I didn't know how long I had been here, I did not know how much longer I would be here, I didn't know if I would die before my brothers came, let's hope I got to see them again.

A lady came with my breakfast, the same who had given my dinner the night before. It was buttered toast, bacon, and tea. I only had the toast and tea.

After breakfast I got out of bed and went over to the dresser to see if there were any clothes in it that I liked. "It's all for you" A voice came from behind me, It was Dominique "I love your style and I bought you some clothes I thought you would like and wear"

"What were your parents like?" I asked her. I turned to look at her face.

"My dad died when I was young and my mom got all his money, we were rich and my mother always told me to always do my best and then someday I might rule something"

I blinked a couple of times "Your mother sounds great" I said sarcastically

"Yeah, too bad she got taken away because she was accused of killing my father for his money, she already had a lot of money, even without him, don't know what they were thinking" She shook her head "Anyway, I will be back to pick you up for lunch, I was thinking we could do it in the garden so dress somewhat fancy" She turned and exited the room. I couldn't figure her out, she hurt me then acted like nothing happened.

I went to the windows that had bars across them and looked out to see my view. My room overlooked a small lake and the rest of the surrounding area was covered in green and tan.

I spent the morning in my bed, staring at the ceiling with nothing to do, then around noon I got out of bed and put on black pants and a shoulderless green flowy top. It wasn't that fancy but it was good enuff for me.

Dominique came by a few minutes later. She opened the door "Don't try running away, there is nowhere to go, nothing but fields for miles" She smiled "Follow me" She turned and I followed her. I didn't like having to follow commands or rules. She led me down hallways that all looked the same until we went down a staircase and walked a little further then out a glass door. The so-called garden was a courtyard with a few trees and a couple patches of dirt with flowers sticking out, then there was a big fountain in the middle and a table and chairs surrounding it. She led me to one of the tables that was set and beckoned for me to sit. She sat down and started talking to me, I barely paid attention and didn't eat that much.

After lunch she led me back up into my room "Rest up a little bit, I will be back in about 30 minutes" She locked the door behind her. I went back to my bed and tried to see if I could talk to Thomas or Mattheo. Thomas's mind was very loud right now, he was angry but he was keeping it all inside. His thoughts changed when he sensed I was there. Circe? He asked. Yeah Thomas? I'm here. How are you feeling? I have a headache and I am sore all over, I'm also bored, there is nothing to do. I'm sorry Circe, I have to go. My mind was filled with my own thoughts again. I changed out of my top into a more comfortable one that was a burgundy color.

(Thomas's pov)

We had been following a tracking spell for about a day now and Mattheo and Theodore wanted to stop. So here we were just outside a small town, resting. Mattheo took out cigarettes and lit one then Theodore wanted one too. I looked away, I hated when Mattheo smoked. After a couple minutes I could smell the smoke. I turned to face them "We need to continue, you have had your moment of rest lets go"

Suddenly I heard a scream, it was faint and far off but I recognized it. I looked at Mattheo who was looking at me then I looked at Theodore who seemed confused "Are you guys talking in your minds or something?" He asked, noticing our eyes glowing green. I tried to focus on Circe's mind but I couldn't without feeling the pain Circe was feeling. I frowned, I was going to kill whoever was doing this.

(Mattheo's pov)

I filled Theodore in on everything then looked back at Thomas, his eyes were crimson, he was mad. I threw my cigarette onto the ground and put it out with my foot and Theodore followed. "Ok, let's go" I said then walked over to Thomas.

We continued following the tracking spell.

(Circe's pov)

Dominique pushed me against the wall and held her wand to my throat "Answer my question or I will hurt you again. How have you been able to talk to your brothers, how have you been able to do that kind of magic without your wand?" I stayed silent. She took out a dagger and cut my wrist, I closed my eyes and tried not to faint. "Open your eyes" I opened them and looked up, she grabbed my head and forced me to look at my wrist. I slid down the wall and onto the floor. Dominique backed up and waved her wand at me and again I felt like I was on fire with a million daggers trying to pierce my skin, I bit my lip and covered my mouth trying not to scream even though I was screaming in my mind, I closed my eyes to keep Dominique from seeing them light up green. I heard her heels leaving the room then the door slammed shut. I started to cry. 

1057 words 

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