Chapter 17

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Calista would be lying if she said she didn't miss the salty air of Erini, the familiar rustling of the maple trees of the woods, and the clear night sky full of stars.

She and Zayden had arrived in the woods through the golden portal. Walking through the magnificent portal never failed to give her chills. A momentary cold would envelop her as the mist touched her body and then there was just the atmosphere of the other side.

Calista was busy inhaling the salty air when Zayden cleared his throat. She realized they were all alone in the dark woods.

He offered her his hand, smiling. "Fancy a quick ride home?"

She hesitated. "Actually, just take me out of the woods, and then I can walk home. By myself," she said.

He nodded. Hesitantly, he rounded his arm behind her waist and Calista hugged his chest. She realized how awkward this gesture really was. They had done it before, but both times it was in the heat of the moment. Never this slow and fully aware of their actions. She tried not to catch his eye before he pulled them away, out of the woods. In a quick moment of the Erinian breeze engulfing her body, it was over.

She would never stop admiring their speed.

As Calista pulled away from him, again fully aware of her actions, she realized he was not in a hurry to leave. He stood there, looking at her, constantly shifting his weight, looking unsure of himself.

"I really think I should go with you and talk to your father," he said, finally getting it out.

Calista groaned. "Zayden, why are you so adamant about ruining a wholesome reunion. I can handle this right now. I can't wear long sleeves in front of him my whole life, I know I have to tell him, and I will when I think the time is right, I promise."

A little of the stress eased from his face. "At least let me walk you home. It's not safe at this hour."

Calista gave up, starting to walk towards Erinian residency. From the faint sound of steps behind her, she figured Zayden was following her quietly.

She didn't want to carry on a conversation, so she kept looking around her, refreshing her mind with memories as she passed the various houses. Memories she thought she wouldn't miss once she was out here. The very thought that she had had the opportunity to go somewhere else, that too a different planet, and yet decided to return on her own free will was wild to her. She didn't know what forced her to make a decision her past self would never have. Was it the incident with the Shadow Wanderers? Was she really scared of that planet now? Was it the memories of her home? Did she miss her father?

She reckoned all of these factors contributed to her final decision somehow. Deep down, she also felt repulsed by herself. Returning to the place she was born into, the place she had grown to hate, the place whose people stood against her. Her decision came with its conflicts—the conflicts she didn't want to face.

To her surprise, Zayden's voice came from behind her. "Tell me something about living here."

She fell into thought for a bit. "Every day's the same. Go to school, come back, do your homework and sleep. No new adventures, nothing to look forward to." She turned around, walking backward, to see his reaction. He was smiling.

"But Erini is beautiful. Every day should be an adventure when you've got an amazing view of the sea, and the little animals in the woods. I love the way your moon reflects over the water as though it is a heavenly spirit. Have you ever discovered the creeks in the woods? I have and they're lovely. The maple trees always smell amazing, refreshing, as if someone sprayed incense over them."

There was a skip in her step as she saw the expression on his face as he talked about all the things he found beautiful in Erini. For a moment, Calista couldn't understand his admiration. But then she remembered the time she would get up before anyone on Erini was awake, walking to the edge of the cliff just to stare at the horizon, the sun peeking over the sea. Calista realized that her admiration for her home had been buried deep beneath its hate for so long, it was almost unrecognizable.

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