Thand Thirtui

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"I feel as though this feast shall never end." Kili muttered as he rested his chin on his palm. "I couldn't agree more..." Fili sighed as he watched Bombur finish his fifth seed-cake at the table next to their's. "Did the caravan truly bring this much food just for the feast? Should we not be more careful? Who knows how long until the next caravan will arrive, now that winter draws nearer.", Kili huffed annoyedly. "I hope I do not detect the tone of ungratefulness, Kili. This is your peoples' way of celebrating the return to our homeland and their king and his heirs surviving the ordeal." Dis said firmly.

"Amad, we are not ungrateful. Just a bit restless. We've been either fighting or running for quite some time now. I am sure uncle can relate?", Fili said and looked to Thorin for help. The king raised his eyebrows as he looked between his nephews and sister, deciding if he wanted to be brought into what could turn into an argument easily due to the line of Durin's temperament. "They are not wrong, Dis. It is also the first time for us being back around such a large group that did not have intentions of running us through." He said and took a sip of his wine.

Fili grimaced slightly at Thorin's statement. "Wonderful choice of words, Uncle." Kili mused and filled up Fili's goblet with more wine. "Oh, yes, apologies, Fili.", Thorin said with an awkward cough. "My dear ones. I still can't believe I almost lost all of you. I don't know what I would have done..." Dis said quietly as she looked at the three. Thorin placed a gentle hand over her clasped ones in her lap and said, "We are all safe now."

Fili leaned back in his seat as his thoughts drifted back to his hazy memories after Azog had stabbed him. Dis glanced at her oldest son and saw that he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. "What troubles you, kurdunuh?", Dis asked him. Fili hesitated before answering, "We sit here and celebrate, but the one we should be thanking the most was made to feel she didn't belong here..." Kili gave his brother an understanding nod after finishing his wine.

Dis gave Thorin a pointed look and a nudge with her elbow. Just as the king was about to speak, a group of eight dwarves approached their table. "My king." The male dwarf named Droun, said with a low bow. The others behind him copied his actions, the dwarrow curtseying. "Ezbad Droun." Thorin greeted with a nod and a curious expression. "I, Ezbad Goin and Uzbads Khulmic and Bhadat would like to present our baurch to offer their thanks to you and your heirs for reclaiming our homeland." Droun said respectfully, motioning to the lords and their daughters standing behind him.

Thorin glanced at his nephews, thankful to see they both appeared to have neutral expressions, before nodding for them to continue. Droun reached his hand out and his daughter, Aivura, accepted it as they walked a few steps closer. "Dolzehk menu, thane men, tetus men." Aivura said with curtesy and smile at the three, but he eyes lingered on Thorin. The king and princes bowed their heads in return as the pair walked back to the group. "Aivura has been after your favor long before you left on the quest, nadad." Dis whispered to her brother with a smirk, but he ignored her as the next two approached.

Kili let out a groan that only his brother could hear, as they saw Goin and his daughter Áshild stop in front of them. "Dolzehk menu, thane men, tetus men.", Áshild said with a flirtatious smile towards Fili. Next, came Khulmic and his daughter, Ravna. She was another of the dwarrow that had been put forward as a possible match. In all honesty, Fili had thought that she would be who he eventually declared as his One, but now he wasn't so sure. He did not love her and she did not love him, but she had been the most likely one that he could become fond of. They had become close... in certain ways before he left with the company.

"Dolzehk menu, thane men, tetus men.", Ravna said sweetly, pulling Fili from his thoughts. As they bowed to her, Fili could feel her eyes willing for him to meet her gaze, but he fixed his gaze on his goblet as he swirled his wine around. Lastly, Bhadat and his daughter Thinieli. She was one of Kili's top prospects. "Dolzehk menu, thane men, tetus men.", The dwarrow said with a low curtsey and shy smile at Kili. "Dolzehk menu. We are grateful for your unwavering loyalty and faith." Thorin declared and raised his goblet.

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