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~ Part Four ~

It felt like Ellía had just fallen asleep when she was awoken by frantic voices and the sounds of gears creaking. "Wake up! Wake up!" Thorin called. Ellía sat up quickly and glanced around at the others slowly waking up. Her eyes had just locked with a confused Ori's eyes when suddenly, she was falling.

The next thing she knew, she was tumbling down to a rocky surface and sliding down a slope with 13 yelling dwarves. After what had felt like forever, they all fell onto a wooden platform, making a pile. Thankfully, Ellía had landed after Bombur.

As they tried to find their bearings, the sounds of shuffling feet and shrieks were heard coming towards them. "Look out!" Dori shouted, but it was too late. An ugly pack of goblins were all over them. The group did their best to fight them off, but with half of them still pinned under Bombur, there wasn't much hope.

"Get off of me!!" Ellía growled as she grappled with a goblin who was trying to tear off her leather straps that held her swords to her back. The dwarves threw some punches and hurled insults as they were dragged along a narrow walkway and towards a huge goblin. Ellía received a hard punch to the gut and sharp nails to her cheek, throwing her focus and losing her grip on her swords.

The goblins had had enough of Ellía's squirming and three came up behind her and lifted her over their heads. "Put me down!!! Alyë yóns-o sunnis!!!" She screamed, catching some of the others attention. "Put the lassie down!" Gloin yelled as he was the closet and began to bash some of the goblins heads in, but there were too many.

Once they arrived to where the huge goblin was sitting on a large make-shift throne, he stood up and made the little goblin band begin to play music. The goblins holding Ellía threw her down to the ground as they began to dance and sing along to the song. The young elf was quickly helped her to her feet by Oin and Nori who pulled her to stand in between them.

Ellía grimaced as she watched the large goblin crush a pile of smaller goblins to sit up on his throne after his performance. "Catchy isn't it? It's one of my own compositions." The Goblin king said with a smirk. "That was not a song, it was an abomination!" Balin yelled. "Abominations, mutations, deviations. That's all you're gonna find down here." The revolting king said as the goblins threw their weapons down in front of his throne.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins!?" The king yelled. "Dwarves, Your Malevolence. We found them on the front porch. And it is my belief, Your Great Protuberance, that they are in league with elves! They have a she-elf with them!" A goblin squared as he grasped onto Ellía's arm threw her down in front of the king.

The big goblin leaned down and looked Ellía over before asking loudly, "What are you doing in these parts, and with a group of dwarves at that?". Ellía was trying not to vomit at the smell of his breath with Oin stepped forward and pulled her back into the group saying, "I'll handle this.' The king sat back down in his thrown and demanded, "No tricks! I want the truth! Warts and all."

"You're going to have to speak up. Your boys flattened my trumpet!" Oin called. "I'll flatten more than your trumpet." The king growled, growing impatient and storming forward. "If it's more information you're after, I'm the one you should speak to." Bofur said as he jumped to the front of the group. While Ellía listened to bofur's rambling, only then did she realize what they were doing. The dwarves were trying to hide their king's presence.

"SHUT UP!!" The king bellowed. "If they will not talk, then we'll make them squawk!!! Bring up the mangler!!! Bring up the bone breaker!!!" He cackled earring exciting screeches from the goblins. "Start with the youngest and the elf!" he demanded. Ellía saw Ori's face grow pale and she felt her own heartbeat quicken.

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