Thand Minque

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~ Part Eleven ~

The Mirkwood prince and his guards led the group through the forest and into the gates of the city. "Hol-i fin." Legolas called as he walked at the back of the line with a tight grip on Ellía's arm. The young elf jumped slightly when the massive stone gates slammed shut behind them.

As they followed the dwarves, Ellía took in the natural beauty of Mirkwood. She had not been here for about 30 years and had secretly missed it. She was snapped out of her admiring state when she heard the prince call for someone named Parisa.

A beautiful brown-haired she-elf hurried down a staircase and bowed to the prince. "Please take Lady Ellía to bathe and find clothing more fitting for a high-elf. My Ada will wish to see her." Legolas instructed and turned Ellía to face him.

"I will need your blades if you wish to roam freely." he told her and held out his hand that wasn't holding Orcrist. She ignored what he said and looked to he companions to see them whispering amongst themselves and glancing at her. "I wish to stay with my friends." she said firmly.

Legolas narrowed his eyes and took a step closer. "That is not an option. A granddaughter of the Lady of Light does not belong in a cell with dwarves. Now, hand over your blades. All of them." He commanded once more. Ellía bit her tongue as she unbuckles her back harness that carried her dual blades as well as the daggers on her legs and handed them to the Prince.

"Mab-hen." Legolas said to Parisa and the she-elf glided forward and gently guided Ellía past the dwarves. As she went by, Ellía sent the dwarves a reassuring smile, before she has lead up the stairs and disappeared from their view. "Ceri-ú-thír se a ara ellas tallë." Legolas growled and shoved Fili roughly into his brother. The young dwarf bristled and would have lunged at the elf if Kili had not restrained him.

"What did that mendûnost vanyali say!?" Gloin roared and tried to shove his way towards Legolas but the guards quickly shoved him back in place. "Take them to the cells." The Prince called to the red-haired she-elf. She nodded and ordered the guards to follow her with the prisoners.


"This is not necessary

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"This is not necessary." Ellía said for the hundredth time, but Parisa simply shake her head and continued to braid the she-elf's damp hair. Ellía sighed and looked at herself in the vanity mirror in front of her. Parisa had applied a healing salve to some of the cuts around her face, as well as the almost healed cut on her back. The poor elf had nearly had a heart attack when she saw the wound on Ellía's back while she washed her hair.

"How do you like it, nin hiríl?" Parisa asked lightly as she finished Ellía's hair. She looked at the soft braids Parisa had made and smiled. "I like it very much. Thank you, Parisa." She replied. Her happiness at the familiar feeling of being pampered faded quickly though. "Do you know where they have taken my friends?" Ellía asked as she turned on the cushioned stool while Parisa laid out a few dresses.

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