Thand Yuquain-Canad

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Ellía walked beside Thorin as he led her through the halls of the palace and to the main entrance. The rest of the company had joined them, also wishing to see Dwalin and the princes' reaction to the elf's recovery. She had over heard Nori and Gloin making a bet, but about what, she missed.

A minute later, the group arrived at the front of palace and headed out of the, already opened, large gates. Balin saw her surprised look and said, "Thorin has declared the mountain open to all dwarves, humans, and elves with good intentions." Hearing this, the elf smiled and nudged the king with her elbow. "Growing soft in your old age, hmm?" She teased.

Before Throin could reply, someone shouted Ellía's name. They looked ahead to see Dwalin marching towards them and shoving the reigns of his horse into a nearby soldiers hands. "By the gods, lass!" He huffed and placed his large hands on her shoulders and grinned down at her. "Hello, Dwalin." She said happily and placed one of her hands on his.

"Where are they?", Thorin sighed as he looked over the crests of the rocky hills of this nephews. "Ah, acting their age for once. Pretty sure Kili shoved Fili off his horse on the way up the last rise over there." Dwalin said as he motioned the way he had come from. Ellía laughed softly as she imagined the scene.

Just as Dwalin was about to speak, thundering hooves were heard racing towards them. Kili appeared first, followed by a scowling Fili, who had a few twigs clinging to his braids. The younger prince brought his mount to a skidding halt a hopped off, laughing loudly. It took him until he reached the group to notice Ellía standing in the middle of the company.

"El!", he shouted and getting the attention of Fili, who was grumbling as he climbed off his horse. Kili hurried forward and pulled the elf into a tight hug, earning a scolding from Oin. "She's still healing, you oaf!" The healer snapped as he pried the young prince off of Ellía. "W-why haven't you healed yet? Is something wrong-" Kili began to ramble as checked the elf over for any visible signs of impeding death.

The girl laughed a shook her head, taking Kili's hands in here. "No, no. I am quite alright, Kili. Th ritual took most of my magic. That is all. I just need to rest and regain it." She explained with a smile. "That's my fault isn't it?", a new voice said quietly, making Ellía release Kili's hands and look behind him.

Fili stood a bit behind his brother, watching the elf hesitantly. "It is no one's fault, Fili. It was my purpose." She said warmly as she took step forward and brought their foreheads together. The prince let out a small sigh of relief and closed his eyes. The two pulled away a moment later and grinned at each other.

"Well, this is very sweet, but am I the only one who is still wanting to know what this whole 'my purpose' mantra is about?", Bofur asked exasperatedly. There were a few mumbles of agreement and Ellía chuckled. "I suppose it's long past time that I should tell you." She agreed. "Alright, but no one heckle her! She is still needing plenty of rest and all of you piling on questions and getting to rowdy ain't going to help 'er!" Oin declared and began to head back inside.

The girl smiled as the others trailed behind the fiery dwarf, even the King, wanting to avoid being snapped at directly. As she watched, two arms linked themselves with hers, and she looked to see the two princes smiling at her. "This way, My Lady.", Kili said very dramatically. Ellía rolled her eyes but obliged and allowed them to escort her back into the palace.

"Now that you're awake, we're going to have to make the most of our time before it gets to crazy around here." Kili said excitedly. "You heard, Oin. We can't drag her around too much." Fili warned and sent Ellía a wink, earning a laugh. "I think I'll be able to keep up." She quipped and grinned at them. "Alright, but when Oin catches all of us, it's on you two." Fili sighed, but was unable to form serious look.

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