Thand Yuquain-Neder

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"Faster, mellon." Ellía breathed to Radag as the stallion galloped down hill and into the green valley separating the Mountain and the city of Dale. The horse let out a whiny as he began to gallop even harder. It took the pair only about 10 minutes to reach the city gates. Ellía brought Radag to a slow stop in front of the cobble stone bridge, that had been mostly repaired since the battle. "Thank you, mellon. Now, go enjoy the night. I shall find you later." She told the beast with a smile and placed a kiss to his large nose. Radag gave her an affectionate nudge and a whiny before galloping back into the night.

Now that she was alone, the young elf turned to look at the city and heard the sounds of laughter and music drifting from within. She spared one last glance and the dark mountain silhouetted against the setting sun, before walking through the gates, trying to shake the feeling go guilt she had for leaving the feast. As she walked through the streets, Ellía did not see a single person, so she continued to follow the sounds of the celebration.  

A few moments later, the small cobblestone steps she had followed led her out into a large, flat, and grassy courtyard that was filled with the people of Dale. Warm bonfires were scattered across the opening and the smell of roasting meat and potatoes greeted her as she took in the scene. The people were laughing and chattering loudly with one another, while others danced to  the tune a small band was playing. The elf couldn't help the smile that grew on her face as she looked around.

"Ellía! I didn't think you were coming tonight!" A voice called out to her. She turned to see Sigrid hurrying to her with her siblings and father in tow. "Hello, Sigrid." Ellía greeted the girl and returned the warm embrace she was pulled into. "I thought there was some big royal feast happening in the Mountain tonight to welcome the Blue Mountain Dwarves arrival?", Bard questioned as he gave the elf a hug. "There is, um, but it was getting a bit crowded in the mountain. I did not wish to step on anyone's toes, more than I already have today." 

Bard gave her a knowing look and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Well, you won't be stepping on anyones toes here more than Sigrid does when she dances!" Bain quipped with a smirk and had to dodge a swat form his older sister. "I do not step on people! I am a perfectly fine dancer." The girl snapped with a glare. "Will you dance with us?" Tilda spoke up with an excited smile. "Of course." The elf replied with a wink. Tilda let out a squeal and began to pull Ellía towards the growing group of people dancing when Bard called for them to wait. 

"Before dancing, how about Sigrid takes Ellía back to ours and finds her something more comfortable to wear for the night. If the tales I've heard of elves are true, I'm sure you'd rather something looser for a night of dancing with this lot." Bard offered. "Oh! Of course! I bet we can find something from the clothing the Mirkwood elves brought." Sigrid said happily and began to lead Ellía back down the steps. The girl began to protest about taking clothing from those who needed it more than she did, but Sigrid silenced her with half-hearted glare. "Alright.", the elf sighed with a smile as she allowed herself to be pulled through the streets.


Ellía had tried to convince Sigrid a fresh tunic and loose trousers would be just fine, but she would not agree to it. The human girl had managed to get Ellía into a soft, cream dress that had billowing sleeves that ended at her wrists, much like her own blue dress . "Finishing touch." Sigrid mumbled as she went behind Ellía and pulled out the leather cord that had secured her locks in multiple braids to keep it from getting in her face. Ellía chuckled as the girl came to stand in front of her and pulled the braids apart and tucked some stands behind her spelled-tipped ears. 

Sigrid took a step back and admired her work. "There's the elvish beauty I hear about in songs." This made the elf let out a loud laugh. "If you think I compare to the songs of old, wait until you see my dear sister. She is the kind of elleth the bards sing about." Sigrid rolled her eyes, "You clearly don't see the way others look at you. You make the men stop in their tracks." She said as they retraced their earlier steps to the celebration. "Are sure that is not because I am always surrounded by rowdy dwarves or looking like a madwoman covered in orc blood?" The elf quipped as the climbed the steps. "I am sure. I even notice a certain dwarf watching you at times." The girl said with a smirk as they reach the courtyard. 

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