Thand Yuquain-Eneg

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^...How I imagine Ellía's and Radag's friendship...^


Ellía woke up feeling like a ball of nerves. Last night had been just what she needed to forget her worries about the Blue Mountain dwarves arriving. Dancing with Sigrid and even Bain and Bard had been fun, but nothing compared to how excited she had become when she convinced Dwalin to dance with her. But now, her worries and come rushing back.

She had only been awake for a few minutes when someone banged on her door. The elf sat up and called, "Come in!". The door swung open and Dori came stumbling in with an arm full of various fabrics. "Good morning to ya, dear Ellía." He greeted her as he let his load tumble onto her bed. "Hello, Dori. Um, what is all this?", She asked confusedly.

"Well, as you know, the first caravan is arriving today and we wanted you to be prepared. I came to help you get ready." He answered as he separated, what Ellía now recognized to be multiple simple, thick dresses and over-aprons along with a few leather belts. "Where did you find these?" She asked as she pulled her knees to her chest and watched him.

"Ah, Bofur found these while cleaning out the rooms yesterday and we figured you can wear one today. And Kili lent a belt. We'd figure his would be the closest to fitting a bit. " Dori said as he picked up the black dress and laid it out in front of her. "What about this one?", he asked with a smile. The elf looked down at the dark dress and searched for a kind way to say no. "Is there perhaps a lighter dress? Or even a tunic?", She asked hopefully. Dori looked through the dresses and held up a brown dress that was possibly a but lighter but could have just been from fading.

Ellía gave him a tight smile and asked, "Would it be alright if I just wore my tunic and trousers? I'm positive my sister will have brought an entire trunk of clothing for me. I'll be able to look more presentable in a day or two." Dori hesitated before stuttering, "It's just that- uh-..You know what, you wear what you are comfortable in, lass. It'll be just fine."

The elf arched her brows at his words and asked, "Is there something I should know?". Dori began to gather the clothing in his arms avoiding the question. "Dori..." Ellía pried. The dwarf halted his actions and looked at her nervously. "Well, the company is a bit worried how the others will react towards ya. Of course we all love ya to pieces. Even Lord Dain and his men! Most will be open and welcoming once they see that, but there will probably be a few who are less than friendly..." He explained.

"I thought just as much, but what do the clothes have to of with it?" Ellía asked. "We thought if  you were seen wearing dwarven clothing, it would could help." He replied. The girl nodded slowly and hugged her knees tighter and looked at the wall silently. Dori noticed the change in her mood and placed a comforting hand on her back. "I didn't mean to stress you out, Ellía. There's no way they won't accept you. I mean, you won over Thorin and Lord Dain. Two of the grumpiest dwarves to ever live." He joked, trying to get a laugh.

Ellía only managed to give him a smile and a nod. "I'll wear the belt." She said quietly. "That will be lovely with your green tunic and trousers. I shined your boots yesterday so they'll be nice and tidy. Get dressed and come get a quick bite. It'll be a long day, I'm afraid." Dori said with a light pat to the back before leaving with the clothes and closing the door behind him. The elf sighed and picked up the dark leather belt laying in front of her. She ran her fingers over the delicate dwarves engravings, wandering what they meant.

With another dramatic sigh, Ellía forced herself to get up and get dressed. Once her clothes were on, she picked up the belt and stood in front of the cracked mirror. She looped the belt around her waist a few times so it hung comfortably. She glanced at her weapons sitting on a large stone table, thinking if she should wear any or not... The elf settled for her more decorative dagger and attached it to the belt before pulling on her freshly polished boots and heading out the door.

She entered the hall that they had been using for meals to find it empty except for Thorin sitting at the table. "Oh, am I early?", She wandered as she took her usual seat and grabbed a few fried pieces of ham and dished some eggs onto her plate. "Actually, everyone else has eaten. It seems the prospect of seeing friends and family again has lit a fire under their arses." The king chuckles as he poured Ellía a mug of juice and placed it in font of her.

"Thanks." She said and took a sip. The two were quite for awhile as the elf ate her food and Thorin leaned back in his chair and studied the ceiling. "I heard Dori was not the right one to send this morning." He finally said, breaking the quiet. Ellía let out a small laugh and finished her eggs. "He meant well. We just want to today to go smoothly. I may not be very adapt in the realm of feelings, but I have come to understand enough about you to know you will be worried about being accepted." He continued.

Ellía looked down at her lap and fiddled with her hands nervously as she said, "I know that the history between elves and dwarves is spotty at best and you're right. I am worried whether they will accept my presence in their home...". Thorin sighed and leaned forward. "I realize that I was very harsh towards you before the Goblin Kingdom. But when I got to know you, my mind was changed instantly. You stood by my kin and I, even when I was not myself. Although, it may take some time, they will come to love you as we do." He said in the softest voice she had ever heard from him.

She looked up at him and gave him a grateful smile. "I will make sure one of us is with you throughout the day. I am positive my sister will demand to meet you immediately." He said with a smile and stood up. "Your sister? Kili and Fil's mother? She knows of me?", Ellía questioned. "Yes. We have been able to send a few letters to her on the road while you have been recovering. I told her of our elven savior. No doubt those two have also written of you." He explained with a smirk.

The elf blushed a bit and gave a shy smile. "I would be honored to meet the Lady of Erebor... Unless, there is someone special who would be your Lady... or Lord?" Ellía said asked and her smile turned to a mischievous grin. Throin scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Between helping raise the two idiots and leading an entire people in exile, I have not had the time." He replied matter-of-factly. "Oh I can't wait to watch the oh-so-single ladies greeting their King Under the Mountain today." She hummed and skipped ahead, laughing at the look of dread that washed over Thorin's face.

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