Thand Yuquain-Neled

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Ellía felt a chilly breeze tickle her skin as her eyes fluttered opened. The elf slowly sat up, causing the blankets she had been under to fall from her shoulders and onto the bed, and looked around the room. It was as if the room had been carved into the side of a mountain...? 'Wait... a mountain, the mountain, the battle...' her mind swirled as her memories rushed back, making her rest her head in her hands.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps and the door being pushed open made her look up quickly. The girl smiled as Oin hurried in with a tray full of small jars and clothes. The poor healer almost dropped the tray when he saw the elleth sitting up and smiling at him. "Mahal, lassie!", he shouted and clumsily set the tray on the large stone ledge and hurried over to her. "Hello, Oin." She said softly.

The dwarf took her small hands in his and squeezed them as he grinned at her. "You don't know how happy I am to see you up! You've had us all in a right fit." He quipped and patted her cheek. "Oh, Oin, I didn't need to cause any-" She began to say but stopped when he gave he a scolding look. "Don't even think of apologizing about nothing! We all owe you a great deal, lass. Having you healthy is all we need." He said firmly and walked back to the supplies he had brought with him.

Ellía shifted to sit with her legs dangling off the bed and wrapped the blankets around her shoulders. She noticed that she had been changed into a loose pair of green trousers and a black tunic. "How long have I been asleep?", she asked as Oin carried some clothes and a single jar. He thought for a moment and mumbled under his breath while he opened the small jar containing a light pink salve.

"Hmm, I would say just under three weeks." He said as he took Ellía's right arm and rolled up her sleeve to reveal a healing cut. "Three weeks?" She repeated in shock and watched the healer gently lather the salve onto the cut. "That's right. We've all taken shifts to watch over you and to keep you clean and comfortable. Lord Dain even insisted on taking one." Oin explained as he gently wrapped a cloth around the wound.

Ellía raised a brow at clean and comfortable, making Oin chuckle. "No worries, darlin'. I was the only one to get that personal with you, not to say the others didn't offer." He told her with a wink, earning a loud laugh from the girl.

The next hour consisted of Oin tending to the rest of her healing wounds from the battle and filling her in on what she had missed. Apparently, Dain and his men remained at Erebor to help Thorin and the company get parts of the mountain ready for inhabitants and to track down the remaining Orc packs. The humans had stared to rebuild Dale under the new leadership of Bard.

Bilbo had remained as long as he could, but when he got word that he had been declared dead in his village and that his relatives were claiming his possessions, he  had to race home. The hobbit had made soin promise to give Ellía his regrets and extend an invitation to visit him whenever she pleased. King Thranduil and his army had remained for about a week to assist the humans and dwarves, as well as keep an eye on her recovery.

Ellía couldn't help but feel slight pity when Oin filled her in on the awkward goodbye he had witnessed between Tauriel and Prince Legolas, but she was happy to hear she had remained to help. The young elf knew the real reason why the former Captain of the Mirkwood Guard had stayed behind but she'd keep it to herself for now. Ellía was a bit nervous to hear that the first caravan of dwarves would be arriving in a few days time.

She knew that not all dwarves would suddenly forget their deep-seeded hate towards elves... Although, that nervousness was quickly forgotten when Oin told her that they had received a message that her father and siblings would be arriving at the next full moon to reunite with her and bay their respects to the new King Under the Mountain.

"Alrighty, that's enough gossiping'. I'll be in trouble enough for keeping you to myself for this long. They'll all want to see ya'." Oin sighed as he rolled down her pants leg and stood up straight. Ellía chuckled and gently set her feet on the stone ground but quickly recoiled with a hiss. Oil's brows furrowed in concern and rested a hand on her shoulder. "What is it? What hurts?" He asked quickly and looked her over.

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