Bianka: " ... *Sighs* It's because I want to keep my promised to you that I would strive to be the Greatest Swordsman as well, for the day that I would change would be the day that I would disregard our promised to be the Strongest " That was the only thing that is holding me back right now, I want to keep the promised that the two of us has, and i were to change that promised would become void 

To this Issei just sighed at my words and I was about to say something, until he then flicks my forehead making me hold due to the pain that It cause me right now, of course it's not that painful compared to being flung to the walls, but It was still painful, like an ant biting my skin 

Issei: " Don't be like that Bianka, for if you were to continue like this you wouldn't be able to used your Full Potential, and that is something that we can't do because of the Supernatural World, for the days that you don't realized your Full Potential would increases your chances on dying to a superior foe, and everyone that knows of you will become extremely sad especially your Parents who loved you dearly " 

... Huh?!

Hearing Issei 's words was truly heart-warming, but the thing that I caught would be his voice, it was soft and alluring voice that would make any maiden fall in love with Issei, that was also that is effecting me as well!!

But the more I listened to his words, I was also hearing the sense of sadness in his voice as well, which made me dropped my head and looked at the ground for a moment

Since the matter of me changing my chose of a weapon was still something that I don't want to change, but if it bring my friends and family to sadness because of that, I wouldn't know If i could even atone for the thing that I did

Bianka: " .. I shall try " That was only thing that I could try for now, since I still held the desire to master the Blade to it's utmost limits as well, but if I need to find the right weapon for me in order to get stronger and protect myself and my friends and family, then I wouldn't mind of changing, but it would take sometime though 

But from the way that Issei smiled at me, It seems that he accepted the fact and just nodded at me 

Issei: " That's good.. Bianka you have Immense Potential in Combat and the Art of War, and when you awakened your Stigamata, your talents and potential might even surpassed mine, so please don't try to hinder yourself, for that would be disrespecting my efforts of getting stronger, I want a Strong Rival, not a Rival that is far too narrow-minded on what to do " 

Third Person View

It has been 3 Months after the reveal of the Supernatural World to the 2 Children, because of that the 2 are currently in a Training Program that Otto and Kallen designed for the two of them to do when they have no School Worked or other Events 

Because of this Training Regime, the two were able to Exponentially get stronger over the course of 3 Months, with Issei showing his Talents in full throttle in the Art of Combat and War, and this is even more telling with Issei being able to used his Sacred Gear without any problems what-so-ever , with him being able to [Boost] his strength for about 50 times before he tire himself out, which surprised Otto and Kallen at the large limit of his [Boost]

Of course Ddraig himself wasn't too surprised by such massive limit, since he does know of Issei's stamina levels and that his [Regenerative Healing Factor] was also giving him Enhanced Stamina and Increased in Stamina and Mana Recovery as well  

Besides his use of his Sacred Gear, Issei started to learn Magic to increase his Magical Knowledge, and with Otto being one of the Greatest Mage in History, Issei was able to efficiently learn the things that he was being taught 

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