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     I was so nervous before eighth period today. Noah and Oliver had been pestering me so much to talk to Juliette, and it was getting annoying, so I decided that I was going to tell her today. I had seen her at lunch because she sat with our group now, but I didn't want to confess my feelings over a PB&J sandwich so I was going to wait until art. My mind repeated the script I had come up with the night before over and over in my head. The bell finally rang and I headed to drawing. I walked in the door and headed to my usual spot. Juliette wasn't there yet which was odd because she usually got to class before me. I waited for her to walk in the door but she didn't. Usually, if she was sick or going to miss class she would text me. I pulled out my phone. No messages. Class started and she didn't walk through the door. I filled my time by half-heartedly working on profile sketches and glancing up at the door as much as possible. Where was she? Was she okay? I didn't know.

     The bell rang and class was over. I gathered my things and walked out, seeing Noah and Oliver in the hallway. They instantly bombarded me with questions.

"How did it go?"

"Did you tell her?"

"What did she say?"

"Do you have a wedding date planned?"

     I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to tell Juliette how I felt today. I told them that she wasn't in class today and they looked disappointed but changed the subject and started talking about their classes. We walked out to the parking lot together and said goodbye as we parted to our different cars. I drove an old VW that used to belong to my mom in college. I swung my backpack onto the floor of the passenger seat. Before I left for home I pulled out my phone and texted Juliette asking if she was okay and why she wasn't in class. I was hoping by the time I pulled into my driveway I would have an answer and I could stop worrying.

     I didn't. She never texted back. I tried to distract myself with homework and sketching but nothing worked. I was so worried about Juliette. Even Jenny could tell that something was wrong because she didn't pester me with as many questions as she usually did when I got home from school and let me just go to my room. I did my best to study, but just ended up listening to music and sitting by my phone, waiting for a call or an explanation. It never came. No messages, no calls. Nothing. She didn't come to school the next day either. My group noticed and brought it up during lunch. We were sitting in Emily's car and enjoying our breakfast foods when Oliver brought up Juliet's absence.

"Where's Jules?" he asked. The rest of the car nodded and mumbled similar questions.

"I don't know, I haven't seen or heard from her since yesterday afternoon." I responded.

     The group exchanged concerned looks. Chloe suggested that I go check on her and I promised that I would. I had been planning to anyway because we tended to do homework together on Saturdays so that would give me a good opportunity to see what was up. That night I called Juliette, holding my breath, praying that she would pick up. When I heard the soft "Hello?" from the other side of the line I felt instant relief. At least she was alive.

"Hey NASA, you weren't at school today or yesterday. Are you okay?"

"...yeah. There's just some stuff going on."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Her side of the line was silent, apparently, she was thinking about how to answer. She sounded tired and sad but not sick. When she finally responded, her voice was shaky and it sounded as if she was holding back tears.

"Could... Could you just come over? Please?"

"Of course. I'll be there soon."

     I peeked my head into my mom's room. She was on the floor comparing paint samples. "Hey Mom, I'm heading to Juliette's." She looked up and smiled a tired smile. I told her all about Juliette one day because I knew that even those little conversations made her feel more invested in my life, more like a real mom. "Okay Sweetie, have fun." I gently shut the door and grabbed my coat out of the closet and left.

     I made it to Juliette's house about ten minutes later. The sun had gone down but not completely so there was still a little bit of light. I parked and walked up the sidewalk and across her porch to the front door. I knocked. Her dad answered.

"Hi, Mr. Taylor. Is Juliette here?"

"Yes she is upstairs I will go get her for you. Come in so you don't freeze to death"

     I walked in and took off my shoes. Something felt off. Usually, when I came over I could hear her little sister Brielle playing video games downstairs, and her Mom and Dad having tea in the kitchen, but everything was silent. The weirdest thing was that Spot hadn't come to greet me at the door as usual. I assumed that he was asleep somewhere. Juliette came downstairs. She looked exhausted. Her eyes were puffy as if she had recently been crying. She was carrying an armful of blankets and I followed her to her back porch. We sat on the porch swing. It was chilly but we wrapped up in blankets. She hadn't said anything to me yet and I didn't want to push her so I just sat with her. We were staring into her backyard. It was a semi-clear night. I could see the moon but the stars weren't as clear. Her backyard was simple. A grass plot with a shed in one corner. Juliette's house had a wraparound porch and there was a picnic table on the opposite side of the porch from the swing. She finally broke the silence. "Spot passed away Thursday afternoon. His heart gave out." She said this with such weight. I knew how much that Spot had meant to Juliette. He was her best friend, her adventure buddy. They were whole together, which explained why she seemed so broken.

      I didn't know what to say. I loved Spot but not nearly the way that Juliette did. I didn't know how to comfort her so I just took her in my arms and hugged her. We sat there like that for a good while. I held her while she silently cried. When I could finally collect my thoughts, I pulled away. She looked at me, eyes glossy. I took my hand and lifted her chin up,

"Hey. It's going to be okay. I know it doesn't seem like it right now and it might not be for a while. But you loved Spot, and he loved you. I know that you are hurting but you are so strong and you will get through the pain and I'm going to be here to help you through it."

She wiped away her tears, "Thank you. I needed that" We continued to sit for a while longer until I had to head back home.

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