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     I left the classroom faster than I normally did, hoping to avoid more conversation with Xander. Let's be honest, I had embarrassed myself enough in that one class period, and I was already dreading what the rest of the year was going to look like. Xander probably already thought so many terrible things about me, and I wanted to feel the same but I couldn't. There was just something about him. He made me nervous and I forgot how to form sentences, opting to just intently focus on my work. 

     It was Thursday, which meant that I had no clubs or other after-school obligations, and I could go home right away; yet I found myself lingering, hoping to maybe catch another glimpse of Xander despite my initial want to avoid him at all costs. I made my way through the halls, trying to navigate my want to see Xander again, and my want to get to my car as fast as possible. I eventually gave up, made my way to my car, and unlocked it.

     I sank into my seat, letting out a few deep breaths, before turning the key in the ignition and rolling down the windows to head home. I would be driving Bri home but my parents bought another car for her to learn how to drive this past summer. She just got her license a few months ago so I ride solo.

     I plug my phone into the aux but don't play any music. My mind is still fixated on the conversation I had with Xander in photography. Sure, it wasn't like we had everything in common and are in love now. It had only been one class period. Honestly, it was really a very awkward and short conversation, but I couldn't get him out of my head. I shook myself out of it and hit shuffle on a playlist to drown out my thoughts before pulling out of the parking lot and heading home. 

Written in the stars *COMPLETE*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang