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     I opened a blank contact in my phone and gave it to Juliette to fill out so we could plan when to meet to work on the project. I watched her smile to herself as she typed in her number. I had planned on getting that several weeks ago but the moment had never come up. I already had her on social media and could easily contact her that way but a number seemed more promising, more concrete.

     My opinion of Juliet had shifted since I first met her. At first, I had only seen her as a sarcastic table mate. But now it was different. She was different. She had started to become more comfortable around me, and her originally passive comments had become more excited and playful. Our conversations were energetic and quick and often left us gasping for breath between laughter. I could talk to her about anything and time passed incredibly quickly when we were together. She was so unexpected. Juliette gave me back my phone and I saved the contact. 

     That night, I pulled my phone out repeatedly just to confirm that her number was still there. I decided to text her. "Hey NASA, what are the plans for this weekend?" Whenever I start making new friends, I like to tell Jenny about them because she has no filter and will tell me what she thinks about them. Some people have protective best friends, I have a sarcastic fourth-grade little sister.

"Hey, Jenny Penny! I have someone to tell you about."

"Ohhhhh is it a girl? Do you have a crush on a girl?

"Well, no. We are just friends but I want your opinion on her."

"Oh, that's disappointing. Alright go"

"Well her name is Juliette Taylor, and she's in my art class. We talk a lot and she's really nice. She likes to take photos and she has siblings, too."

"What does she look like?"

"She has this really pretty deep brown hair and matching dark eyes. She also has a really bright smile and her eyes sparkle when she laughs. She also-"

"Wait, you don't like this girl?"

"Well no, I told you we are just friends."

"Honey, you need a REALITY CHECK!"

     I laughed. Jenny had recently started watching 90's sitcoms and little quips like that had gotten more frequent in her language. She had a point though. Sometime in the last couple of months, Juliette's smile had started giving me butterflies. Her compliments on my art made me blush and I found her crossing my mind much more than one would think about a friend.

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