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     I didn't know what to do. So much had just happened in so little time. I couldn't process anything. I remember going back inside and grabbing my shoes, jacket, and keys. I think I said goodbye to everyone but offered no explanation as to why I was leaving so early or where Juliette was. All I remember is driving.

     When I got home, it was late enough that my mom and Jenny were asleep but much earlier than curfew. I practically dragged myself up to my room and flopped onto my bed. I didn't even change out of my clothes. I just sat in bed, staring at the wall reliving the events of the night over and over and over until I passed out from emotional exhaustion.

     The next morning I woke up later than usual. Halloween had been on a Friday this year so fortunately, I could sleep in. I woke up, still in my costume from the night before. I checked my phone looking for my daily good morning message from Juliette. When I realized that there was nothing there. All of the events from last night rushed back to me and hit me like a truck. The party, Chloe, the kiss, Juliette, the breakup. Everything flashed before my eyes like a bad dream. I wanted to call Juliette and tell her that this was all a mistake. I needed to explain what had really happened between Chloe and me last night.

     Before I got the chance though Jenny stumbled into my room and announced that she and mom were making waffles for breakfast. I thanked her and got out of bed. I took a shower and planned my call to Juliette in my head as the water ran over me. I got dressed and followed the smell of waffles downstairs to the kitchen. My mom greeted me. "Good morning Sweetheart, how did you sleep?" "Alright, I guess." I responded.

"Hey Jenny, will you give us a second?" My mom sent Jenny out of the kitchen. I was confused. She usually told me important things whether Jenny was in the room or not. She rarely ever actually sent Jenny away to tell me something.

"So Juliette called me this morning."

My heartbeat quickened. "What about?"

"She said that she was putting in her two-week notice."

"Her two-week notice?"

"She's quitting working at the coffee shop, Xander."


"Is everything okay between you two?"

      I caved. I told my mom everything. I told her what had happened with Chloe and Noah and then Chloe and I. I told her about what Juliette had said to me in Chloe's front yard before driving away. I told her that we had broken up. "Oh, that's really tough." My mom sighed when I finished.

"You haven't called her have you?"

"Well no but I was going to."

"Don't. At least don't call today"

"What? Why not? I need to explain."

"Well yes. But that can happen eventually. She needs some time with her own thoughts and feelings right now and I think you do too. Give it a day or two then call her and talk it out."

     I took my mom's advice. It was agonizing. I figured that I would wait for Juliette to call me. So I did. I waited. But the call never came.

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