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     When people think about love stories, their mind usually jumps to the stereotypical boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, and then they live happily ever after. However, that kind of junk is not real. It's shit that's sold to society by dramatic teen shows, romcoms, and mainstream corporate ads. Unfortunately, that's not how life works. Though we can try as hard as we would like to match the superficial happiness that's portrayed by perfect families sitting around perfect picnic tables wearing perfect clothes, we will not. Life is not perfect, it's messy. It's broken, and it hurts. That being said, life is also beautiful and crazy and lovely.

     This is a love story. Not a big store ad, or a teenage soap opera, but a real, honest, and true love story.

     We start on a sunny September afternoon and finish just about six years later. We begin with two people meeting and end with... well... I can't tell you how it ends because that will just spoil the whole story, won't it?

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