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God. She was curled up next to him, her head resting on his shoulder. His hand was protectively wrapped around her waist.

Tom was starting to think he was bipolar or had a split personality disorder because he realised that he acted too differently around her. He had gone soft- for her. Tom had made fun of Nott for becoming a dog for a girl but here he was, glaring at anyone who spoke too loudly, afraid that she would wake up. She looked tired. Something was going on at home and he wanted to know. Merlin, he thought about her too much. 

Somehow, like magic, she could quench the anger that continuously brewed within him. Like always, the voice accompanied him every time she was near. However, whenever she touched him, the voice seemed to fade away into the abyss, like it never existed. Tom decided to find out what this voice was, yes, he had failed before but this time he would try a hundred times harder and nothing could hide from him. He was the heir of slytherin, the sole owner of the chamber of secrets. He couldn't wait to get to school and find where it was, he wanted to meet the beast that was rumored to roam the chamber. The train soon came to a stop with a loud screech.

"Get up Harper." Tom shook her awake. 

"Fuck off Tom," she responded while yawning.

He looked at her with an amused chuckle. "I think i liked it more when you were drooling on my clothes. At least you were quiet."

Everyone chuckled as Estelle rolled her eyes and handed her book to Tom. "Carry it for me." It was more of a command then a question. He reluctantly took it with an annoyed expression.

Nott slung his arm over Tom. "You made fun of me for being wrapped around a girl's finger but here you are."

"Careful Nott. I might just hex you." Tom said with a growing smirk.

How did it go from his followers being scared of him to them teasing and speaking freely to him. He could even consider them friends now. This was all because of her. 


He sat next to all his followers as headmaster Dippet started his speech. Every single year it was the same. Fucking hell. Tom looked around the hall, momentarily pausing to look at her. How did she look better than last year. Her black hair rested on her shoulders, way shorter than before but it definitely suited her. She had that enigmatic smirk on her face that reached her eyes. All of the sudden, she looked at him. 

'Staring Tom', she mouthed to him.

'Yes', he answered with a devilish smirk.

She looked shocked for a second and this made Tom chuckle to himself. 

Dippet carried on speaking and he didn't listen until something caught his attention. "As you know, the ministry hasn't been able to find 'dusk' and for the safety of the students, we have decided to station dementors around the school. Be warned though, dementors are terrible creatures and they don't know the difference between you and the person it's supposed to find. So, must i warn you that you're not allowed outside the school grounds without a member of staff. Additionally, older students will be learning the Patronus charm to defend themselves and the younger years in case of an emergency." A series of gasps echoed around the hall, followed by a roar of whispers.

Tom didn't focus on the growing sounds though, instead he was worried. For the first time he was worried that he wouldn't be able to perform a spell. He knew that the Patronus charm needed extensive amounts of happiness and he was sure that he didn't have much, or perhaps he didn't have any. How was he going to explain himself when he, the best student couldn't perform a simple charm. Furthermore, he was a prefect, it was very much expected of him. Maybe, he could practice enough that he could master it before the class. Of course, it was easier said than done. What was his happiest memory? He would have to think of one soon because his first defense against the dark arts lesson was in a few days. 

Mindlessly Tom led the new first years to the slytherin common room. Today was his first chance of trying to search for the chamber of secrets. First, he had to get some more information on it, the things his father had told him weren't enough.

After everyone was settled in. He walked towards the restricted section of the library. This was easy, especially because Tom forged a letter from Slughorn to give him permission to get a book. He roamed through the arcane books, his eyes scanning the content quickly. His slow strides came to a stop as he grabbed an old black book with no title. A journal of some sorts. Tom flipped the pages and skimmed through the pages.

'The mysteries of the Chamber of secrets'- this was one of the chapters within the battered book.

This was just what he was looking for.

Tom continued to read the book, his interest peaking.

'The whereabouts of the chamber is unknown. Only the heirs before know the exact location. However, I have used the small amount of evidence to try to find out where it is. For starters we know that it is where water flows and spiders flee because of the rumored beast hidden in its depths. Only the heir of Slytherin can open it using parceltongue. One word that was said by Salazar Slytherin himself was 'pipes'. Perhaps, he was hinting at something?'

Tom smiled to himself. He knew exactly where it was. This information had solidified his suspicion. He rushed towards the second floor, exactly where he had killed Myrtle. The girl's second floor bathroom. He brushed his fingers over the engravings of the sink- it was shaped like a snake. Tom was very observant, and this quality had allowed him to notice the small details that others would miss.

"Open up." Tom whispered in parceltongue. The sink opened revealing stairways that led to complete darkness. He had finally found it.

Tom knew that if he could feel happiness, he would be jumping from joy. Slowly, he walked down the stairs, his wand held out as it was the only source of light. A grand opening appeared. The wall Infront of him was carved into a snake, its fangs exposed. The dark green walls were suddenly illuminated by the glowing fire that was spread across the four corners of the large chamber. On instinct, Tom's mouth opened up and loudly commanded 'come to me. i am your master' in parceltongue. In the shadows an immense shadow of a snake, slithered around in the large pipes, circling him. Testing to see if Tom was capable to be its master. Once it was sure. The snake came towards him, a menacing look piercing through its yellow eyes. Tom knew that it was the Basilisk, he had read about it in a book that his mother had given him. One look in its eyes and it would instantaneously kill. This didn't apply to him though, no, he controlled it. He had finally found the monster that would aid him in becoming the darkest wizard in history.

"Come bow for your master." Tom said with authority lacing his voice.

The snake complied and bent its head, agreeing to comply to all of his new master's wishes. Tom was sure that if the snake had legs, it would kneel for him. This thought made a malicious smirk latch onto his lips.

Tom let out a maniacal laugh. One step closer to his ambition.

 someone or something kneeling for him, made him immensely fulfilled, like he had been able to become their sole sovereign. The owner of their life and body.

Tom would never kneel for anyone.

It was a show of vulnerability and implausibly.

He would rather die.

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