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She was frantically writing her notes for her upcoming test next week. WHY THE FUCK WAS HER TO DO LIST THREE PAGES LONG. How long had she been procrastinating? Estelle had only been able to tick off three things on her list and it had been four hours. FOUR HOURS. She quickly revised her rough notes on all the herbology topics she needed to know, before quickly ticking off another thing on her list. Estelle got up from her seat and browsed through the endless books Hogwarts had to offer. Her eyes scanned over the titles as she spotted a old book with fading gold writing: 'fate'. She gently reached for the book and dusted the dark cover. She felt drawn to the book.

"Ah. That book is very interesting. It holds tales that blur the line between reality and myths". Estelle jumped at Dumbledore's sudden comment. "I would say chapter 14 will be especially valuable to you Miss Harper".

"Oh thank you Professor. I don't think i've ever seen this book before and i've browsed the library more than a hundred times", Estelle responded while opening the antique book and studying the contents.

"This book only appears when it is needed", Dumbledore cryptically said as he walked away from her with a small almost sad smile.

Estelle knew she had a lot of things to do but she couldn't help but sit down and start reading the first chapter. It had been a few hours when a specific sentence caught her eye- 'in some cases fate will alter the events of someone's life, so that specific milestones happen in the future.' She never believed in fate, is that why Dumbledore said it was hard to distinguish between reality and myths? Was fate real?

"The fuck are you reading", Avery asked.

"None of your business apple hater", Estelle responded. She heard Rosier chuckle as Avery slapped the back of Rosier's head. "What are you guys doing here?"

They all sat down on the chairs opposite her. "We wanted to ask you how the fuck you got cranky Tom to smile", Dolohov joked.

"Do you really want me to tell you my secret" Estelle whispered. All of them waited for her to carry on. "It's because... i'm too pretty". They all rolled their eyes in unison.

"Fuck off Harper. By the way are you coming to the party today?", Nott questioned. Estelle nodded in response.

"Did you look at the news?", Avery mumbled quietly as he tossed a newspaper in-front of her. Estelle looked at the front cover, it was a picture of a notorious murderer that had been trapped in Azkaban for 20 years because he murdered over 100 wizards and witches. People called him 'dusk' as he would leave only a bloody body before disappearing when the sun started to rise. "Apparently my dad heard from the ministry that Dumbledore is contemplating if there should be dementors put on the school grounds because there's something valuable hidden in the school ground's that needs to be protected". All of them were quiet for a few seconds. There was nothing they could do but wait for the future.

"I guess that's why Slughorn is trying to get us to write a essay on the patronus charm. Fucking hell i have so many assignments to do", Estelle attempted to break the heavy tension.

"Have you still not done it?", Rosier taunted her with a proud smile. "I finished it last week".

"And i still get better marks than you", Estelle bit back. They all laughed, well except for Rosier

"Anyways Harper enjoy doing your endless assignments and we'll see you later at the party. We have to go sneak some firewhisky in," Dolohov laughed out.

"Bye fuckers", Estelle remarked. 

They all stuck their middle finger out at her as they left the library. She looked at her watch and expected it do be around three in the afternoon, however it was seven o'clock. THE FUCK SHE HAD WASTED THREE HOURS READING A BOOK AND SPEAKING TO THE BUNCH OF IDIOTS. She closed her eyes shut and brought her to do list in-front of her. Estelle reluctantly opened one eye and scanned through it. She still had so many essays to write. 

It had been another two hours and she had done eight more assignments. She was only half way down her list. She adjusted herself in her seat as she felt two arms embrace her.

"Estelle how long have you been in the library. I was looking everywhere for you", Jas spoke. "We need to get ready for the party it's already 9 and the party is starting in like 30 minutes."

Estelle pulled Jas and made her sit on her lap. Estelle hugged Jas tightly and rested her face on Jas' chest. "I'm tired. I don't want to go". Jas started to stroke Estelle's hair.

"No- You're going Estelle. I don't care if i have to drag you..."

"Drag me then".

Jas sighed as she grabbed onto estelle's arm and dragged her towards the Ravenclaw common room. She dumped Estelle on the bed and started flinging clothes at Estelle. "Try these on Estelle and get in the shower, you look like you've been dragged through a hundred hedges".

Estelle reluctantly made her way into the bathroom. As the warm water grazed her skin, her muscles began to relax. She wrapped a towel around herself and used her wand to quickly dry and straighten her hair. It had been a while since she had straightened her wavy hair. Merlin- she looked so similar to her mother, perhaps this was the reason why she rarely changed her hair. Her thoughts were interrupted by Jas shouting at her to hurry up. Estelle swiftly put on some dark makeup that complemented and contrasted with her soft features.

"Hurry the fuck up Estelle."


Estelle quickly put on a black corset and a flowy skirt that hung against her figure tightly. She finished off her outfit with black heels. "You look hot as fuck", Jas gasped.

"So do you".

Jas grabbed onto Estelle's hand and pulled her through the dark corridors to the slytherin common room. Estelle couldn't help but laugh at her friend's excited manner.

Merlin what was she getting herself into.

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