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She was late to class, her hair was messily put up as it swayed from her abrupt movements. Her eyes kept darting to her watch because she was sure she was going to get a detention for being ten minutes late to class. 

Maybe Tom was right, she should transfigure herself into a watch. She chuckled at her random thought.

Jaz had woken her up but as always Estelle had fallen asleep and this time it would cost her a detention. Her hands pushed open the rough door and her eyes scanned over the spare seats. She didn't really care who it was next to so she sat at the very back, she could hear a few snickers.

Estelle looked at Jas who was sitting a few rows in front of her. She was mouthing something.

'I woke you up a hour ago' 

'I know i fell back asleep'  Estelle mouthed back 

'Have fun in detention loser'

Before Estelle could mouth something back to Jas, she was interrupted.

"You're very late Miss Harper. I'll have to issue you with a detention today", Slughorn's voice said "I expected better from you", he carried on with a small smile.

"Sorry professor", she replied with a apologetic expression.

As soon as Slughorn faced the blackboard again, Estelle leaned her head against the table trying to calm her still erratic breaths. Her hands automatically grabbed her parchment and quill. She quickly wrote down notes on what Slughorn was saying.

"No greeting for me darling", a deep voice asked. 

Tom Riddle.

"No Tom, I had quite a eventful morning as you can see", she said in a hushed whisper, slowly facing him.

"Maybe you should have tried my idea"

"Your stupid idea of transforming myself into a watch, that would be rather unpractical, don't you think?" she responded 

This earnt her a deep chuckle from him.

He was rather beautiful when he laughed- he should do it more often.

They were closer than before, she was no longer uncomfortable with his presence. Estelle of course knew he had some other intentions with his recent actions but she did as well. She wanted to know his past, so she couldn't really feel anger towards him. They were both manipulating each-other.

"I see you have a detention today, what a shame"

"Yes, I know but it would be nice if you got one with me", the sentence that fell from her lips made Tom's face consort into anger.

"You will not... angel", he countered back, he was attempting to threaten her. Of course it didn't work against Estelle.

Estelle's lips tugged up into a mischievous smile. She knew too well how boring detentions were, however if he was with her it would probably be fun. One of her hands ended up on his knee and slowly made its way up.

This mirrored his movements he did at the library.

"What are you doing", Tom said quite loudly.

The class turned around to face them. mission accomplished. "I'm sorry Tom, I cannot show discrimination so you will have to join Miss Harper in detention", Slughorn voiced out.

"Yes professor", Tom said with a forced smile, of course only she could see that it was forced.

"You will regret that Harper" Tom whispered dangerously close to her ear. Estelle could feel his angered breaths on her neck, which caused goosebumps to form all over her body.

Estelle just gave him a innocent smile as she watched him turn angrier. She could see he had given up with trying to fight with her. The lesson went too slowly for her liking, it was boring and she just wanted to be reading a romance book. As the class started filing out, she was pulled back into her chair and she was forced to stare into his captivating dark irises. "What would you like Tom?", she questioned him while sticking out her tongue.

"When i see you in detention, you are so dead", he whispered into her ear. "you will definitely regret it love". 

"oooooo i'm so scared Tom", she said with a mocking tone. "try harder next time darling". 

She saw him walk out the door with a smirk plastered on his face.

* * *

"Jas this is all your fault- you hate me", Estelle whined to her friend while resting her head on Jas' shoulder.

"Don't blame me Estelle, maybe if you didn't spend all night reading romance books you would be able to wake up in time". This comment made Estelle roll her eyes playfully.

"Hey Jas, where were you last night? you never came back", this question made Jas look away with a slight smile.

Estelle knew automatically that Jas liked someone. They had been friends for 10 years after all.

"I'm going to question you about this later, however i now have detention".

Estelle rushed out of the great hall and towards the dungeons for her boring detention. The sky was dark and the thunderstorm that was itching to start was making low grumbles. Yet again she pushed open the rough doors, her eyes meeting with Toms. 

"You will be tidying the ingredients, without your wands" Slughorn said happily while walking out of the classroom leaving her alone with Tom.

"Hello Tom, nice to see you", Estelle said innocently, she of course knew that Tom was still angry from her actions.

"why did you make me come to detention with you", he snarled at her, his hand brushing his brown curls back.

"Because I wanted to see you", she pouted at him. He walked up to her, his hand harshly wrapped around her wrist. Before he could do anything else Estelle grabbed the closest potion ingredient and threw it at Tom. She chuckled in response as the white powder settled down onto him and this made a cruel smirk appear. She stepped back slowly, however Tom grabbed various different ingredients and threw it at her. He mirrored her chuckle.

it felt genuine.

"You're so done for"

"are you sure love?"

Outside the rain poured down while the thunder roared with the winds. It was dark and sullen, however inside the specific classroom it was different. The happiness that emitted itself was genuine, the darkness was getting infected by the light. The light was her, she was guiding him out of the hole he had been forced into but of course there was a big price. There was no guarantee that the light would win over the darkness and that was the worst because the darkness could kill the light without knowing.

She had become his star, his Estelle in his dark sky.


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