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He was listening to the leaders of the wealthiest, pureblood families brag about their money and luxurious lifestyle.

Tom had a secret though.

He had more money then all of them- 125 million galleons to be precise.

His mother had given him the key to his vault before she passed away, of course he didn't spend a penny, instead he decided to save it and use it when it was really necessary. Hence, when he was finally able to make untraceable transactions he brought different buildings all over the world, calculating the returned profit carefully. His mother had left him 100 millions galleons and now he had made over 25 million from it. He never knew how his mother got this money but after finding out about his heritage, Tom realised it was because she was a-part of the Gaunt family, who were descendants of Salazar Slytherin. Tom and his uncle were the last remaining heirs to the Gaunt family, no one knew what happened to the rest of them. He didn't care. All he needed to know was about the chamber of secrets- the hidden room that Salazar Slytherin had built.

No one knew that Tom had accumulated large amounts of wealth- arrogant fools.

Tom broke his thoughts as he grabbed some wine. He twirled the bloodlike mixture in the glass before bringing it to his lips and taking a small sip. He sensed someone approaching him, so in a split second, his monotone expression morphed into a charming smile.

"Ah Tom, haven't seen you in a while," Malfoy's father said with a curt nod. "How are your academics going?"

"It's going well."

"Make sure to tell me if you need anything." Malfoy's father patted Tom's back and called over his friends to introduce them. 

All of them praised Tom for being a intelligent, respectful young man. It was all too boring. He zoned out as they kept on talking, his eyes glanced around the large, opulent hall, scanning through the groups of people talking at the side or dancing to the harmonious classical music that intertwined with the warm air. Suddenly, in the midst of the raveled sounds, he heard a familiar voice.


The one person he wanted to forget.

Her eyes met his. Something within him stirred and a unsettling sensation bloomed and spread throughout his body. Before he could stop himself, his eyes raked down her body, starting from her captivating eyes, to the slit on her dress that exposed the soft skin on her thigh. He tared his eyes away from her, he would not engage with her- not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever.

Tom was exhausted after a few more hours talking to people. It was the same thing again and again and every one of them fell under his charm. He walked up to his followers that were talking quietly in the corner of the vast room.

"Avery hand me a cigarette," Tom sighed out.

"Eventful night?" Lestrange asked with a chuckle. 

"I didn't know listening to people could be so exhausting." Tom rolled up his sleeves and leaned against the cold wall behind him.

Rosier laughed. "Especially when they talk about money. NO ONE FUCKING CARES THAT YOU BOUGHT A NEW FLYING CAR."

All of them laughed, even Tom. 

"I feel like we should hide and come out ten minutes before the party ends," Avery suggested with a mischievous grin. 

"First good idea i've heard you say." Dolohov responded with a sudden burst of energy. "I have a stash of firewhisky in my bag."

"the fuck. Do you carry firewhisky everywhere?" Nott rolled his eyes. "You're a alcoholic."

"Shut up Nott. You in or not," Lestrange remarked.

"I'm going to go out and smoke for a bit. I'll come join you after," Tom added. "Save a lot of alcohol for me, i'll need it after tonight."

All of them nodded. "We'll be in Avery's room."

Tom nodded before exiting the hall and walking towards the balcony situated at the end of the corridor. When he got there, he saw someone sitting on the ledge of the balcony with a bottle of firewhisky by their side, as the serene glow of the moon rested on their figure. It was dark and he couldn't see from inside who it was. Before he could turn back, the figure turned around and stared right at him.


"What are you doing here Riddle?" she sneered, her whole relaxed demeanor changed. 

"Am i not allowed to be here Harper?" he snarled back with a sinful smirk etching on his lips.

"I thought you didn't want me near you but here you are," she sat back down on the edge of the balcony, now facing him. 

He watched as she drank almost all of the remaining firewhisky. "i didn't know you were here darling. do you think i chose to be near you? Tom walked towards her and leant against the wall beside him while he lit up the cigarette and brought it to his lips. He seemed to have forgotten his vow to stay well away from her. She made him forget with just her presence.

"Then why don't you fuck off Tom."

"I hate people telling me what to do Harper, you should know that by now. It just makes me want to stay more," he blew the smoke out with a dark chuckle.

"You're a intolerable piece of shit. I don't know how people like you," she claimed, a sarcastic smile latched itself onto her lips.

He held the cigarette between his fingers as he walked closer towards her. His hands rested either side of her. "Weren't you one of those people who liked me?" Tom taunted her. 

"if you think that Tom, you must be delusional. my standards are quite high you see and you don't tick any of my boxes. so, how could i like you?"

Tom's hand snaked around her neck and pulled her closer towards him. "I think i tick off every single box of yours," he whispered in her ear. 

For the first time in a few weeks, Tom looked at her face properly. Suddenly, he noticed the faint blue and purple hue that rested on her cheek. His hands brushed against it, which made her flinch. "Who did this to you?" He was furious. He wasn't supposed to care but in this moment he forgot about everything else. All he wanted to do was kill the person who do this to her. "i'll ask again Estelle, who the fuck did this to you?"

She shifted her head down, avoiding his eye contact. "It's a bruise from ages ago."

"Don't lie to me." Tom used his finger to force her to look at him. With his finger still resting on her chin, he whispered something into her ear. "If you don't tell me, I might just have to torture everyone who might know.

"Why do you care?" Estelle countered. "You've made it perfectly clear that i mean nothing to you, so why are you acting like you care?"

Tom chose to ignore her questions. He didn't know either. Why did he care so much, she was meant to mean absolutely nothing to him. He muttered a quick healing spell as the bruise began to fade away. "Be more careful Harper or you might just end up seriously hurt."

"Mind your own business Riddle. I can take care of myself."

Unexpectedly, they heard footsteps coming towards them. Estelle started to panic and Tom couldn't help but grab her waist and jump out the balcony, leaving only a empty firewhisky bottle.

They had disappeared into the dark forest.

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