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It was already the first day of school. Finally she could escape this hellhole.

She opened the balcony door and walked out into the crisp winter air that surrounded her. The way the snow gently sprinkled the towering trees were exquisite. Estelle thought back to the ball. So much had happened and she hadn't been able to process all of it.

He had kissed her.

He had admitted that she was in his deepest desire.

She was unsure. Perhaps he was telling lies, it wouldn't be the first. she didn't know why she had forgiven him so easily, Estelle shouldn't have, not after what he said to her. This time she promised herself that this would be his last chance to redeem himself.


She was tolerant. Especially when it came to him. However, she knew that if he turned on her again, she would cut him off like brittle ice. Perhaps, if he angered her, she might even end up slitting his throat. She was joking- half joking.
She didn't like people playing with her.

This year- she would not have time for his silly little mind games. Estelle had vowed to find out more about those people who killed her mother and also what made her blood so special. So, when the time came, she would be ready for them.

She would rip them to shreds and put them in Azkaban for eternity.

Estelle would etch her name into their arms so that they could remember their failure. They would remember the exact moment where she cut the bloody words everywhere on their body. Begging for mercy.

They would be lucky to come out without a few limbs tared off. They would pay for her mother's death.

Her promise to her mother would be achieved.


"You better watch your behavior Estelle. I'm warning you." Her father threatened. "If you embarrass me again, i think you know very well what will happen to you."

"Yes father."

His tight grip on her arm weakened as she quickly walked towards the train, not looking back. Her eyes scanned over every compartment to find her pretty friend. Finally she spotted her. "Jas!" Estelle shouted while she barged into the compartment.

Jas hugged Estelle tightly. "I missed you."

She sat next to Jas. informing her about everything that happened- excluding the bit with Riddle. Merlin she didn't even know what they were. Confusing bastard. Suddenly, the compartment door opened again and it revealed Nott, Lestrange, Avery, Dolohov, Rosier and finally Tom.

"Did you miss us ladies." Lestrange joked with a wink.

"Very much so. I cried the whole winter break." Estelle said with sarcasm practically dripping from her voice. Tom chuckled as he sat next to her. His leg touching hers.

"Guys i have something to say." Nott announced. "I like Jas."

Everyone just stayed still. Avery hit Nott hard on the back of the head. "We already know Dipshit."

"You could have made it less obvious." Rosier laughed out.

"You practically flew towards her last time when Malfoy was being a little bitch." Tom said with a smirk.

"Like you flew to me." Estelle whispered in Tom's ear. A grin spread across her lips.

Tom put his arm over her shoulder and brought her closer to him. "you wish."

"I don't have to wish Riddle."

Yet again, the compartment door opened. "bruh that scared me," Dolohov said.

"Would you like anything from the trolley dears."

All the boys looked at Tom. "Why the fuck are you looking at me."

"Because we know you're loaded." They all said at the same time.

"Tom's loaded?" Jas asked. Her lips curved up into a mischevious smile. "Estelle's type is rich guys who spend money on her."

"Like a sugar daddy?" Dolohov laughed out.

Estelle glared as Jas. "Shut the fuck up".

Tom leaned towards her. "I guess you don't need a sugar daddy when you have me. I could buy anything you want. Name it and i will give it to you." He whispered into her ear.

Her heart fluttered in that moment. God he was good with his words.

The old lady was still standing there. She repeated her question. "Would you like anything from the trolley?"

"Sorry about that. Tom will pay for it. Could we have 5 of everything please." Avery replied.

"What the hell Avery." Tom gave the lady his money with a deathly stare.

The door closed as all the boys had arms filled with sweets. Estelle took a few of the every flavoured beans. She put one is her mouth. "Apple", she chuckled out as she brought one towards Tom's lips. He ate it and his lips formed into a scowl.

"You gave me a rubber flavoured one on purpose didn't you." He asked Estelle.

She steered the conversation another way. "So how come Tom is so loaded. I mean he's only 17?" She asked.

"Well he's brought like a hundred houses around the world. I think he has a big mansion near here. Not that he uses it. He rents it out to others for a crazy expensive price. He's more loaded than all of us." Rosier exclaimed while biting into a piece of chocolate.

"How did you even find that out." Tom looked at all of them.

"Well we heard you talking to a few of your 'customers' at the party and we just pieced the stuff together". Lestrange answered.

"Fucking hell. You nosy cunts." He said with a sigh.

Estelle felt tired. It was a 6 hour journey on the train after all. There was approximately 3 hours left and she wanted to rest a bit before. She leant her head against Tom's shoulder, his arm protectively curling around her waist. His other hand stroked her hair.

The last thing she heard before she gave into her exhaustion was- " look at the two lovebirds" and Tom replying with "shut up you'll wake her up."

Merlin- it was peaceful, maybe too peaceful.
Something was about to go wrong...

HI GUYS. IM BACK. SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. I was getting settled back into school! I will try to update at least once a week!

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