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Estelle had panicked when she had heard the footsteps that were approaching the balcony she was hiding in. This was mainly because she heard the voice of her father intertwined with the click of his black, immaculate shoes. She was already in enough trouble. Perhaps Tom had sensed her panic because in the midst of her hazy mind, he grabbed her by the waist and under her legs, forcing her arms to wrap tightly around his neck. 

"You owe me a favor in the future Estelle," he whispered into her ear.

One minute her feet were heavily planted on the marble floor of the balcony, and the next minute she felt her body levitate from the ground as the wind quickly brushed beside her. Her stomach churned at the sudden drop as she watched the ground get closer and closer. Estelle looked at Tom shocked, how could he jump from the second floor that easily without any second thoughts. Even if it wasn't that high, one wrong move and someone could die.

"Stop staring Harper." His amused tone brought her back from her thoughts. 

Estelle realised that she was still in his arms. "I wasn't staring Riddle. And let me go." Her feet landed on the soft snow below her, the white blanket being untouched before her. She took a minute to look around at her foreign surroundings. Yes- she had been to Avery manor many times because of her father, however she was always forced to stay inside. She had always wanted to explore the manor surrounded by a enchanting, dark forest. She looked up at the trees sprinkled with white that towered over her, and the path before her that slowly disappeared with the darkness. Avery had told her that there was a lake in the middle of the forest, that glowed beautifully in the moonlight. This was a chance for Estelle to find it. A smile formed on her lips. "Lumos", she spoke to herself. A yellow light illuminated the perfect white snow even more.

Tom grabbed her wrist gently. "Where do you think you're going love?"

"I'm going on a walk."

"By yourself? In the deep forest where you could get lost?" he questioned her decision.

"yes by myself Riddle." She shook his hand off her wrist as her footsteps imprinted the painting like scenery. 

"I'm coming with you." 

She did not hear him. Instead she was solely focused on the loud whistles of the wind and the crystalline pine trees. Estelle hadn't even realised that Tom had apparated somewhere else, well not until he appeared in-front of her with a jacket in his hand. "Put this on before you freeze to death and i have to explain to everyone why i let you walk into the forest by yourself." Estelle let Tom put the jacket around her. A familiar scent wafted off it. The jacket was his. He was the most confusing person she had ever met. "Where are you even going anyway?"

"To the lake." She walked further into the forest. Tom following closely behind her. 

"The lake where the truth is revealed if you find it?"  Tom asked. 

"Huh? I didn't know about that?"

Estelle urged him to tell her everything he knew about the lake. He obliged. " Avery told me that the lake within the forest is very hard to find, it apparently only reveals itself to some people. He hasn't even seen it yet, he only knows about it because of his grandmother who has been the only one to come in contact with it. He told me that it reveals your true, deepest desire when you stare into the water on a full moon. Of course, this may all be a myth." Tom finished while looking at the full moon looking down on them.

"It's a full moon tonight. we should try to find it." Estelle knew she shouldn't forgive him but maybe it was the alcohol that made her forget all the hurtful things he had said to her. It was only for today. She could ignore him after today right?

"Why did you cut your hair?" He suddenly asked her. 

She turned around to properly look at him. "Why do you not like it?" she threw back a question at him with a amused chuckle.

He bent his body so that he could be at eye level with her. "No, i think you suit it."

They continued to walk, asking each other random questions. They had both forgotten their vows to forget one another. The next day, they would probably blame it on the alcohol. In truth they had no way near the amount to cloud their judgements. Suddenly, Estelle stopped and looked at the wooden door engraved with silver ancient letters. 

"See the truth." Tom translated.

She opened the door, anticipation rushing through her veins. A gasp escaped her lips as she saw a exquisite lake sitting in the middle of the enclosed garden. The water reflected the full moon's light, its ripples glittering with every movement. "Maybe the story is true then?" She murmured to herself.

Tom heard her. "Want to find out?"

She walked towards the edge of the lake, kneeling down on the snow, Estelle didn't mind the cold. Tom mirrored her movements and kneeled next to her. They both peered over the edge, staring intensely at the small ripped that seemed to be getting bigger.

Estelle couldn't believe it. It was real.

Something started to form within in the ripples. She started seeing outlines. Estelle would finally be able to see her deepest desire.

There she was sitting in her father's office, the Harper ring sitting perfectly on her index finger. She was the head of the house. Another figure stood beside her, his hand stroking her shoulder affectionately. The ripple vibrated more showing a figure similar to Tom before crashing into each-other ripping the image in-front of her into pieces. 

This was a pointless desire. Her father believed that only men should become the head of the house. Instead of giving the title to his only heir- her, he had decided to give it to her cousin, just because he was a man. Estelle was may more qualified than him. Her cousin was the person who had tormented her ever since her perfect life had crumbled. Sometimes she wished she was born a boy. 

Moreover, she hated the fact that Tom was in her deepest desire. She was sure he meant nothing to him. Estelle was also sure she didn't like him.

So why did he affect her so much?

She brushed it off. Estelle would forget Tom and make him disappear from her thoughts and apparently her 'deepest desire'. Maybe this lake was making up lies. 

Estelle looked beside her to see Tom with a shocked expression on his face. He was staring intensely at the water, his breathing getting increasingly heavier.

She wanted to know what his deepest desire was.

She would find out.

Hi. just wanted to ask if the story line is going too fast? Please comment, vote and share <3

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