Alyssa's taking ownership for her emotions and words and I can honestly say I wasn't expecting this. It takes a lot of guts to do something like that, or at least I thought so. "But I'd rather do the right thing than eat pizza," she says to complete her thought.

I think about it for a second, weighing out my two options, before nodding. "Same," I agree with what she says.

Alyssa smiles, "you know I'm glad you were smart enough to wait out the meeting door rush."

"So am I," I say truthfully, well for my situation at the time it was true. I just didn't know that if I had rushed through that door on orientation with everyone else, I would've met a girl name Margret who'd help me up after I fell on my ass on the way through. She would have loved to befriend me, allowing me to keep out of all this friend versus friend drama. Let's just say if Margret and I were friends things would've been much easier than what will happen now in my future. If I only knew.

The food wasn't as bad as I had thought it'd be. I had imagined something with blinking eyes, a lunch lady's hair, and a raunchy smell to be plopped onto my plate, but instead there was a buffet table where you could grab things like vegetables and fruits- nothing fancy like caviar- but still edible food.

I walked back to the table feeling content, and feeling even better as I came back to see less people at the table. I know it sounds terrible to say that but I couldn't take another round of let's-spit-out-ideas-to-shove-down-Cass'-throat. Setting my tray on the table next to Alyssa's finished one, I looked around at who was left.

I saw Cameron, Nash, and Mahogany. As I stepped back and took a look at the whole dining hall, I also noticed there were a lot less kids. "Where'd everyone go?" Alyssa asked as she crossed her legs under the table.

"They all went to the basketball and volleyball courts," Mahogany answered.

"Ugh," Nash cried before placing his face down on the table. "I forgot it was that time of day already." Everyone groaned apparently they had a consensus view.

"What time?" I asked cluelessly and Nash picked his head up just to glare at me. I darted my eyes away from him quickly and looked at Cameron, instead, who began explaining what it was.

"Activity time," he said. Now I see why they groaned. "We have to play some sort activity outside for a couple hours. It gets worse as the temperature does. Right now it's not so bad so you don't have to worry." Oh I definitely needed to worry. Sports and I weren't exactly on good terms. At all. So just the sound of physical activities scares the crap out of me. Thank God I had Cameron who could take care of all the sporty type shit that will go on.

"I can't wait until our group gets lake time," Mahogany tells Nash, reminding me that I must sadly go swimming in a lake.

Ok, yeah that sounds all girly and stuff, but I don't swim in lakes. I'll admire them in photos and movie and stuff but my family and I aren't the lake type. You could definitely find us in pools and the ocean, but not a lake. When I was younger I went to a lake but then again I don't really remember what that was like so it'll be like going in for the first time all over again.

Maybe it won't be as bad as I'm making it out to be, but who really knows how I'll take it. "Same," Cameron comments and I'm brought back to the moment. As I process his response and what he was responding to, I can't help but picture him in a bathing suit. Like I said earlier, Alyssa has good taste.

"Crap!" Nash curses before standing up abruptly, startling all of us at the table.

"What?" We all end up questioning, no one seeing what he was.

"Look, Elizabeth is dancing on the table!" He points at a little blonde haired girl standing above all her other friends The children looked no more than six years old and I feel thankful that I didn't get that group.

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