Love coungers death

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Nya pov

I tear off Lloyd's clothes except his underwear so the energy can heal him, as I close the glass and turn to the monitor as Lloyd's energy begans going down rapidly almost empty, as I press down on the lever a green glow fills the glass giving Lloyd the energy he needs.

I run to the glass putting my hands on it looking at Lloyd in hope.

"Lloyd your gonna be okay now."

"Please be okay..." I say holding back tears

Lloyd pov

I lay inside the machine as the green light hits my body I feel tears fall knowing this is more then likely my end as I turn to nya rasing my hand to hers

"Nya i...I'm sorry." I say before lowering my hand and feeling the darkness take me.

Nya pov


Tears stream down my cheeks falling to my knees as Lloyd lays Motionless in the machine.

I then hear what sounds like helicopters as i look up to see several police helicopters as the ninja, wu, Misako and my parents jump out.

"Nya is Lloyd. Oh no!"

"Zane!, Zane it's not working!" I yell grabing his hand.

Kai pov

"Oh no..." Skylor says as we hold hands nervous.

Zane checks to make sure the power is on fully before checking Lloyd's monitor.

Zanes head lowers as he turns back to us.

"Were to late..."

Everyone gasp as Skylor hugs me crying as tears fall down my own cheeks.

Zane pov

I put a hand over my face devastated as I turn off the fusion chamber and open the glass as I hold Lloyd's lifeless body.

"Lloyd I'm so sorry I failed you as a brother..." I whisper.

"No!" Nya yells taking Lloyd from me.

"Nya there's nothing you can do, he's gone..." I say looking down as pixel holds on to me.

"Lloyd isn't really gone, he will always be waiching over us, even if we can't see him, but know he is now at peace. " wu says sadly as Misako gets on her knees next to nya.

Nya pov

"I'm so sorry Lloyd, I failed... I failed as a mother, I'll miss you so much..." She says crying as Wu holds her.

I then turn to as kai walks over wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I- I'm sorry nya..."he says wiping his eyes.

I look at look my brother, kai may act tough and acts like nothing gets to him but when it comes to me, skylor and Lloyd he's a big softie and gets vary emotional as I turn back to Lloyd putting my hand on his cheek.

Oh Lloyd... he never asked for this, he never asked to be the green ninja or to be the son of a dark lord he just wanted to help others and to find someone to love him for who he was.

"Lloyd I-im so sorry, you did not deserve any of this..." I then do something I've wanted to do for a while now as I place a gentle kiss on his cold lips, then hold him tightly crying.

Everyone goes silent morning the loss of the one who had done so much to keep ninjago safe.

Zane pov

As me and pixel are mourning I hear Lloyd's monitor begens beeping as I look in shock to see Lloyd's energy rasing rapidly.

"It-it can't be..." I say looking back at Lloyd in hope.

Lloyd pov

I weakly open my eyes to see nya crying holding me in her arms.

I smile moving my hand in to hers, nyas eyes open as she stares at me in shock.

"Hey nya..." I say smiling.

"Lloyd!" She shouts crying tears of joy laughing and hugging me tightly.

Zane pov

I rush to the monitor to see Lloyd's powers are now completely recharged and smile.

"How is it possible?" cyrus ask in astonishment.

"It's not." I say making borg smile as we join the others in hugging Lloyd.

Nya pov

I smile holding Lloyd never wanting to let go.

"So am I okay now?..." he ask.

I smile taking hold of his cheeks, pressing my lips to his and this time I'm the one kissing him and this time I have no regrets.

Lloyd looks at me stunned his cheeks turning red.

"Nya we, we just..." he says making me giggle leaning my head on his.

"And it won't be the last one eather..." I whisper.

Lloyd looks at me stunned then smiles tears falling as he hugs me tightly.

"Lloyd!" Kai yells hugging us both crying and laughing as we all group hug.


Jay pov

I sigh setting on the roof of the Monastery while everyone else is celebrating.

"You okay buddy?" I turn to see Cole holding two plates of cake as he hands me one."

"No not really..." I say wiping my eyes still sad that nya dumped me for the green ninja.

Cole pov

You really did love her, didn't you?"

"Yes of course, but Lloyd's better then any of us, no wonder she choose him."

"Jay come on you know that's not what happened, Lloyd needs nya, with out her Lloyd would be completely alone.

"I guess your right..."

"It will take time but you'll be okay." He says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I guess thanks cole."

"Come on Buddy the party's down stairs!" He says as I follow him.

Nya pov

I smile dancing with everyone even thow the wedding was called off it's still a party because Lloyd is still with us.

I smile as Lloyd takes hold of my hand as we dance together as the others cheer us on.

I laugh as Lloyd dips me i look in to his eyes dreamily as we kiss.

"I love you Lloyd..."

Lloyd pov

"I smile moving her back up and hugging her tightly.

"I love you to nya." I say as we lean our heads together.

I then feel a hand on my shoulder as I turn to see my mother smiling as she hugs us both.

"I'm so proud of you both, Lloyd make sure you take good care of her."

"I will mom." I say smiling turning to nya.

"And I'll take care of you!" Nya says hugging me."

I smile holding her in my arms as we turn and look up at the night sky, I've been throw so much in my life from fighting the Overlord, being possessed by Morro and fighting the Oni, and i know there will be more challenges I'll have to face, but it's all worth it because with Nya by my side, I can overcome anything.

(The end.)

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